good not so average rock bands

BFMV rules real hard. i <3 them.


okay, i just pictured you in flick voice saying lifetime duuude.

Its Chimaira sorry that just bothered me :slight_smile:

Another good band with alot of talent - Between the Buried and Me

i didn’t like them when i saw them play shitty clubs in buffalo 6 years ago. I didn’t like them when i saw them play in the basement of buff state either. I just don’t like them. I occaisionally rock hot damn!, but not often.

I’m curious what you’ve heard of mine that you think sucks…


Local H, I have never seen to much talent and music come from only two guys

The only thing i have ever heard from this outfit was “copesetic”…

Is there better things?

Haste the day, fall of troy,blood brothers,death cab for cutie,

What ever happened to PJ soles is an ok album
Pack up the cats is pretty good
As good as dead is really good

Good songs
High fiving M-F
Bound for the floor
Eddie Vedder(all from as good as dead)

Hit the skids: or how I stopped worrying and love the rock
She hates my job
all the kids are alright
(all from pack up the cats)

California songs
money on the dresser

Live though, you have to see one of there halloween shows, they dress up like a band every year, tis great, two years ago they were oasis, last year they were pearl jam. Basically they just rip on them.

X2…I NEVER liked ETID/AILD/IDT…they have nothing to offer and there are bands with MUCH more talent out there.

And Newman…you’re not missing out much with AILD. Here, let me save you the trouble. Basic heavy Powercords, with boring high riffs thrown in all served over fast double bass drums (Thats all the drummer can do) and a generic scream.

double bass is so passe’

especially steady, crushing double bass…

ok then what do you listen to?

I think the singer/guitarist/bassist put Fender P-bass pickups on his six string or something. The bassline is exactly the same as the guitar in every song.

another good duet:

death from above 1979

funeral for a friend
rise against

simple plan
good charlotte
and new AFI


simple plan really chapps my ass i cant lie. they suck teh big onzorz
good charlotte USED to be ok, now i cant stand them either.

AFI’s previous albumn rocked though

ugh you need to stop watching MTV

Scott sort of does that on some songs, old songs had no Bass riffs in them though

did not know they where a duet