Good oranges in buffalo...

Every store in the buffalo area has absolutely terrible naval oranges. Tops, Wegmans, anyplace…

They taste so grainy and have zero flavor, I stopped buying them pretty much…

So I was at Aldi the other day picking up a few items. Normally their produce sucks, but on a whim I picked up a bag of tangerines.

They are amazing. It seriously reminded me of a time we were at my buddies house in Tempe, AZ, and we were picking oranges right off his tree.

Super sweet, the only negative is they have seeds in them.

The tangerines are from Florida, I checked the bag…

Interesting. My gf def. want to check it out…

Way to compare tangerines to oranges ya putz. Of course the tangerines are way sweeter. :zong:

Yeah the tangerines I usually buy at wegmans and such are very grainy… Apples and oranges… Oranges and Tangerines…

I buy the clementines from Wegmans. Pretty good.

Wife bought some (oranges)yesterday at millerport/transit farm market they are awesome.

mikey i thought X was your sweet clementine?

Yea after a while I stopped eating the oranges i brought to work they tasted horrible. I just buy apples and bananas now. seems that the smaller apples taste better.

walmart in springville has good ones

yeah come to think of it , i got some oranges at wegmans and they tasted nothing like the apples from tops. I typically get most if not all of my produce from the co-op on millersport and tranist, their prices are okay and i like their quailty a bit more.

oranges from wegmans should not taste like the apples from tops anyways.

they get them from different suppliers duh:)

WORD, the ones that are sold in the lil wooden boxes ! fuckin scrumptuous!

I just bought some Oranges from Aldi’s (Ridge Rd) the other day. They were actually pretty good this time. But not like in the summer. I hate winter Oranges.