goodyear plants on strike

actually if i worked there i wouldnt be on strike. i would also live within my means and not over extend myself so if something did happen i wouldnt be screwed. i’ve been through lay-offs and pay cuts and benefit cuts. and still I have never been or will ever go on strike. I have experienced these circumstances more than most people on this board so dont spew shit about ignorance. I have also took it upon myself to plan for my own retirement so i dont have to rely on a companies pension plan. I’m sorry if your family was so nieve to think a buisness would take care of them at the expense of profits and didnt plan for the worse. but yet again i’ll restate the obvious. its all relative, there are many people throughout the world that would gladly do the same job for much less. everyone is expendible. if these people would just agree to some cuts they would be much better off than not having a job at all dont you think? but i guess hindsight is 20/20. either way…this scab has a job.