Got a ticket in Toronto

i went like half an hour over the parking meter ticket that i maxed out. the ticket is for $30, what should i do?

don’t pay it and never return to Canada eh

cut your neck really deep.

It will fix it.

Or just fucking pay it.

Or pull out your motor and replace it with timmy.

i have accumulated probably thousands of dollars in parking and speeding tickets in canada over the past 10 years and have never paid any of them. i still have no problems ever crossing the border.

just pay it

it’s 30 bucks


do you ask girls if they wanna go dutch when you take them to burger king



Hahahahahaha, I just can’t stop laughing. Bahahahahahaha!


hey, someone here leaves their computer :tup:

Pay it. Think about if u have to go park up there again, u never know, easier to pay than deal with a possible consequence of not paying.

I’m sorry, but I don’t get this at all. I assume its a stab at the fact that its merely a $30 ticket, but I still don’t get the reference.

yeah then go over the boarder and say something stupid so they have to check your car, and when they pop the hood timmy runs out like in jackass lol.

here let me help you out with this then since everyone else got it

there’s a couple concepts at play here in the background of teh funny:

  1. yup it’s a pretty cheap ticket. he doesn’t wanna pay it

  2. who takes a girl to burger king? = a cheap dude. $nails sounds like a cheap dude

  3. yeah, pain in the ass, but i’m assuming that most everyone would just mail canada $30 just to not have to worry about it again

  4. being a cheapass dude who takes a chick to burger king, you might even go that extra step in keeping out of her pants by asking her to go halves on the ‘meal’ (if you can call it that)

Not sure what there is to Not get about this. It’s not a reference to a movie or anything. Just the first thing that popped in my head.


:lol: It was the dutch part that confused me. Thanks.







