The pic below should give you an idea of basically what happened.
The impact occurred (according to my dad) around 20km/h?
Hadn’t drove car all weekend since incident. Dad drove it this morning and didn’t mention other major issues other than steering being off-center.
I took a look the day after and didn’t notice any physical damage (then again I didn’t spend more than 2-3min looking after jacking up car).
So my question is:
Being clearly the fault of the other driver, what is my next step in making sure that whatever repairs done are paid by the ‘culprit’ (other driver)?
Like what do I do? Call up the guy and say I am getting car checked out and that he’s responsible for repairs?
How do I make sure he pays up? Do I have to resort to collection agencies (or court) to make sure he pays?
My guess is $200-$700 in repairs (simple alignment to parts replacement) of which I simply can’t afford at the moment.
If the guy doesn’t want to pay, then do it through insurance. Your insurance will fix it, then go after his company to pay for it. you will have to file the accident with the police, they will also likely want to take some pictures. I don’t know for sure if there is a limitation period for filing an accident or not. Just call the police and ask them.
if your dad didnt file a police report then you’re screwed.
the process of an insurer going to another for payment is called subrogation, they wont do it, and do not have to do it, without proof of fault, which you do not have.
when u get into a small accident like that you should get a police report right away or get the guy to write up that it was his fault and take his info down like drivers licence and insurance
or else you will have trouble proving fault later on, if he is an ass and denies everything you will have nothing to go on
good luck and be a little aggressive with the guy
brown women cant drive, most guju people cant drive, chinese people cant drive, black ladies cant drive, white women think there always right in a accident (ive had a bad experience, this lady took a right turn onto me while iw as taking a right turn from the same parking lot and told me it was my fault).
What about brown men over the age of 30?
My brother was hit right infront my my driveway, in a stationary position, a brown man of about 34-37 hit him head on…
And than claimed my it was my brothers fault for not moving?