Got my exhaust on

Apexi Noir. Its a 3 inch catback. Fully stainless steel powder coated black. More videos coming soon.

Explore Dave Iono

:tup: to halfway stealthiness lol

thats going to sound abnoxious

:picard:sounds real good

i like it :tup: and i have those jeans ripped in the same spot lol.

I don’t think it sounds obnoxious but to each his own?

In the video it doesn’t seem too loud, the apexi world sport mufflers seemed pretty damn quiet so I bet this one is similar. The reason I said halfway stealthy was even though its black it’s still got a 4 inch tip lol…


thats going to sound abnoxious


especially on an NA car

ive had the same one (- the black) all last summer, i dont think anyone would say it was loud.

:word: And this is slightly quieter then the WS2 I believe.

I have heard it in person, it’s not really loud.

I didnt watch the vid before. Usually 3" on a 4cyl sounds like ass… From the video it doesnt sound loud at all.

ohhhh you bastard! I want that exhaust and now that you have it I can’t! I hate my Apexi n1, now i have to go broke and find a TrustDD, dammnnnYOUUUU!!!


You’re intake overpowers it in the tunnel, but it sounds good…if you don’t mind the loudness (not judging, I have loud exhausts on the MR2 and Esprit).

My intake doesn’t over power it, thats the exhaust…