Got pulled over by Supercop.

Disregard my last post, seeing as you have a lawyer you probably shouldve mouthed off to that cop some more just for kicks:lol

:rofl your responses killed me :rofl
What a douche!

hey cossey too bad it wasnt in the skyline… i would like to have seen what he would have said bout that car.

definitely keep us posted lol

57 in a 55 is a joke. Try doing the limit on the Northway and you’ll be run off the road.

Unfortunately, we’ll be seeing more of this since every State has spent itself into oblivion. Now we pay the tab.

Hope you can get the ticket thrown out bro.

what the hell y’all fuckin wit me fou…speed limits thirty doin th th thirty fou…

:facepalm :retardclap:Idiots

Neg rep’d.

well wtf u want me to say “man that sux i hope you can get out of it.”???

cop was an asshole i hope yah get out of it…

That would be the mature, civil thing to say.

i figured a throwback song from nelly was appropriete

You know what’s NOT appropriate? Posting false (incriminating) information on public forums about others.

COSSEY, ur wasting ur money giving this to the lawyer. just plea not guilty and go to court. the judge will look at it, throw it away and tell u to have a nice day.

I thought theres usually a percentage of speed that they give you in cases like this due to speedometers being off and shit.

My lawyer doesn’t charge me for stuff like this lol.

Ah hahaha only you would get that ticket. Mail the ticket to the cop after you wipe your ass with it

o. ok, then sent the cop some swine flew in a pair of ur girlfriends well worn panties. he will be sure to have himself a lil sniff, and when he does…BAM!!!

^^^ haha.

swine flu is overrated i say send the mother fucker SARS

no seriously i wish we found this dude at a bar or something one night, not to physically harm him, but just to fuckin ask him hey, wtf mate ? LOL