Got pulled over

B/c smoking isnt cool anymore…and you have to get a smoking option on most new cars

calling him an asshole cause he let u off??? ur a fucking tard, next time, dont litter :smiley:

A bee got trapped in my helmet once. That sucked.


That pisses me off something fierce. I’ve learned to keep a bottle of quick detailer in the car for such events.

Miller Brewing is generating revenue for Altria Group (parent owner corp of Philip Morris)?

I think not. They’re owned by SABMiller plc. I call shenanigans on that ad!!!

Also, Kraft was spun off from Altria into Kraft Foods Inc., ticket symbol KFT. Altria owns some of KFT shares, but they do not directly profit unless Kraft does well/pays them a dividend.

i hate when i take a walk or something and all i see is cigarette butts all over the ground, little kids picking them up, animals eating them, terrible

One of the most “owning up” responses ever, especially for off-topic. But then again, you are one of the more “mature” members. :cougholdcough: :slight_smile:

Overall makes it looks kinda trashy more or less, I’ve never personally seen an animal eat a cigarette though…

No, I call him an asshole for pullin me over for such a stupid reason.

Especially when I see cops do it all the time^^^. A lot of them smoke and flick.
Good reply previously; hat’s off for some maturity about it.
I had an ex who used to carry around an ashtray and never flicked a cig butt anywhere. Didn’t like the smoking, but at least she was respectful about it.
For some reason my curb in front of my house is where everyone finishes their cig. Maybe 100ft of street-front just packed with butts that I’m picking up every time I cut the grass, or else my weed wacker will fling them right in to my yard. And my dogs will eat them; I think they are on nicotine buzz.

dont litter, its not stupid, there are signs everywhere telling you not too.

My grandpa’s business has company cars and one of the drivers smokes. He flicked his butts out the window until one day the company received a letter from PA Litterbug with a $300 fine attached to it. Apparently someone didnt like him flicking his butt onto their call and reported him. This was years ago too.

I do the same … Quick detailer and a few micro fiber rags with me all of the time …

I smoke … I guess I never really thought about flicking them out of the window … I always look to make sure I wont nail someone … But I guess I should start using a bottle of something …

you call him an asshole for pulling you over and giving you a warning instead of giving you the $300 fine??? lol ok

anyways…scott cops are pretty cool. they let alot of ppl off with warnings. they are very very lazy

Get a ashtray then dump it out at a redlight :kekegay:

had a cigarette butt go up my sleeve while riding. that sucked
F cigarette smokers

ok mr.gumwrapperoutthewindow

he’s a mexican. he’ll pick it up at some point in his life