Got the 996 tuned..

Where’s DJ? He could probably accomplish that.

Lmao, I could have one made…

Every local Supra owner should have that shirt made. We can all wear them at the same time to the lot lol.

Yeah you crowd jockeys with your nutswingers. Go to Hot Import Nights already.

I want one too. I hate making new ‘friends’ that only want to talk about the car. It’s one thing to be cool, but don’t fucking lean into my engine bay without even introducing yourself, etc.


I came out of the bathroom at Mid Ohio last year and found some kid UNDERNEATH my car taking pictures of stuff. I just sat in my chair and waited for him to resurface.

first thing im going to do when we meet.

“so what cha got undar dare?”

See, I told you. Need someone to look after Whitey when you’re not around.

Some people man. I’m totally cool talking about my car, but some people just have a fucking weird way of going about it. Sometimes it’s like they ‘challenge’ you or something and you have to prove your car’s worth to some random D-bag.

During the summer when i go over to my parents, there is this lil kid on there stree that will ride his bike to my car, sit there and take camera phone pics of it and ask everything he can think of about it. This is when i had the evo


I guess he will be static this year now that you have a car that won’t break his camera.

whoa now, the evoh was hawt, but a lil boy racerish for me now that im 25 and all


Cossey, remember that kid at Mobil on the way back from Adam’s when we picked up Justin’s car?


“I was thinking about buying one of these for my first car… This or an Evo… Is this fast?”



“That LGT is 600hp though…”

LOL!! With the Travis correction factor, of course.

i has no nut swingers

The best nutswingers are the ones that stand right next to Ray, look at his car, and go “WHOA! Is that Ray’s Supra!??!?!”