July 24, 2009, 12:35pm
i really don’t get how everyone gets harrassed so often. maybe the colonie cops just know my car and know i don’t do anything wrong with it so they leave me alone, but i drive like a jackass (on town roads i do drive less like a jackass then highways), i don’t have a front plate, i have hids, i have a 4" exhaust with no cats at all. and yet i don’t get pulled over much, the only tickets i have gotten this year were in long island over the weekend in my moms yaris. i am really suspecting that these people that get pulled all the time just drive like complete cockgobblins.
They do. I know LaDuke89 drives like one, he steps on it so everyone around him can hear his baby turbo spool and his exhaust roar, then he gets pulled over and wonders why :rofl