GPS Signal

i have a Garmin and have been getting really crappy signal strength the last couple days. anyone else notice that?

nope, my Garmin seems fine. Is your battery charged?

yeh, fully charged. i am on the power cord in the car too. it has been nothing but great since i have had it. but it will go like 10 min before finding a signal. i havent used it in a few weeks, but i have for the past few days. does it need that long to find the satellites?

mine works fine

yeah they’re taking the satellites down for cleaning.

i have only lost signal once it was monday in lockport that was it and i use mine 5 days a week

Mine works fine right away…

its working better now. maybe i just needed to let it sit for a while without moving

Normally they like to sit for a min or two to latch on before you go anywhere, its alot harder for them to get a clear signal if your moving, especially turning…