Gran Torino (New Clint Eastwood Movie)

Do yourselves a favor and watch this movie. It is honestly probably one of the best movies I’ve ever seen. Clint Eastwood is absolutely amazing in it.
I don’t say this often but this movie was definitely a 10/10.

I think his voice sounds like Batman in the Dark Knight

Looks really good from the trailer.

watched it a few weeks ago. it wasnt too bad.

i seen the commericals and i wanted to see it,so this thread really makes me want to see nothing like clint taking an imaginary gun out of his pocket his thumb looks so good

i wouldn’t say 10/10 but it was close. I’ve always thought clint was great and this really reminds me of his outlaw josie wales days

Yeah he was very good in it. It was really sad at the end.

I watch the previews and never thought it could do better than 5/10 just based on hte plot… but I’ll have to check it out now.

Everyone on bimmerforums was raving about it, I obtained a dvd quality version awhile ago but haven’t watched it yet.

it let me watch 72 mins of it than it died and said I have to wait another hour to watch the rest.

Ill give it a download. I watched the first trailer awhile back thought it was dumb, watched a long trailer tonight before Benjamin Button and I def want to watch it.

Sweet, I will have a good copy here in 2 hours. Over 1 gig in two hours isn’t tooo bad of a wait.

DVD Screener being downloaded now. ETA 26 mins. :tup:

Good movie

I have to check this shit out

I like Eastwood and love Gran Torinos, I have actually owned 2 1972s (one coupe one fastback) and 2 1973 (both fastbacks)

link to said dvd screener?

I saw this last night, very good movie. I cant remember the last time i laughed so hard.

is this because youre a republican and you support the NRA?
:lol: im kidding, the movie was really great
