hahaha i was just in a game where these kids spent a good 30 minutes looking for the helicopters and i found one first and as soon as they got to theres i crashed mine into them killing them and they didnt know how to get back hahaha…this is the greatest game ever for online play.
well i just got back from blockbuster and after trying to deciding for 12 min if i wanted the PS3 or the 360 version i left with neither and thought ide do some research first…guess i made the right move.
Just bought GTA 4
and this
http://www.buy.com/prod/pioneer-pdp-5000ex-50-1080p-plasma-hdtv-3000-1-contrast-ratio-black/q/loc/111/204542650.html(picked it up for $3400 =)
and a 60 gig<3
after setting everything up with my surround sound i’m going to fucking sleep ha time to play tomorrow!!!
who sells wireless adapters for ps3?
ha maybe it is? I just bought it a few hours ago :gotme:
Time to read the manual tomorow…
LOLz @ online play last night.
def gotta do it again tonight
So much awesome, need to finish single player though. So much stuff to do.
I need to work on getting all my friends over 80%. Holla at perks!
so far most of the perks are pretty good i wonder about what is to come? Maybe you can befriend an air force pilot and get free airstrikes!!
So why is everyone saying ps3 FTL?
Is this just 360 fanboys talking or is there a glitch in the ps3 version?
i read it was both in the link on page 10 or 11
well there is freezing issues with the ps3 plus the downloadable content will not be available on the ps3 version. aside from that playstation network will never come close to xbox live.
and I guess the online network isnt working for PS3 either…
I can sum the last two posts up
PS3 isn’t even a stylish “modern” looking piece of equipment. Instead it’s a piece of shit.