--- GRAND THEFT AUTO IV --- Thread!!!

Fuck work.

While I was driving back to the office from lunch, I kept envisioning how much faster it’d be if I just hammered it and drove between the cars or on the curb, like i would in GTA. lmao.

That’s when you know you are f’d/

don’t let Jack Thompson hear that

I will not



i will be on later.

anyone used the map cheat?

i’m debating. i want to use it real quick and then mark my paper map with all the goodies. (like jumps, weapons, and such)

but i hate using cheats.

cheating is lame.

nah… want to be surprised.

Rob, whats you live ID? I’ll send you a friends request

yeah i’ll prob be disappointed later on. lol

what map cheat?

^ a map for gta 4… much like google maps, but shows you where everything is

You can go to the internet and type in a website and it will show you the map with everything annotated or marked, including gun / stunt / restuarant etc…


oh shit, I wondered how I could stop ejecting myself from cars. Thats awesome.

I almost feel like making a game just to cheat with.

As “Skunk” as this may sound, I really want to find more clothing stores. I’ve picked through as many suits as humanly possible. There just HAS to be more out there… perhaps the map hax will hook me up.



I’m using the first person view alot for the driving, even though I don’t really like it I can drive much faster. Except the bike fuck that view.

This is exactly why I want to do it. lol

this one FUCKING SUCKED!!@$#@

but DAMN @ the payout you get :slight_smile: