--- GRAND THEFT AUTO IV --- Thread!!!

so… back to this “VGA” output on the early 360’s…

i have a DIV input on my tv… no VGA tho.

i also have a VGA to DIV adapter, and then a DIV to HDMI adapter…

so if i ran those two adapters and plugged in my HDMI cable, would I be losing anything “in the translation” compared to running my component cables?

Uh, why?

no clue

Going through 2 seperate adaptors like that, you might not get a clear picture. Try it though if you have all the stuff you need. I’m guessing you need a special cord from the 360 as well??? I may just trade my older model in on an arcade system. Or mabey save up and pick up an arcade system and have 2, one for the basement office…

Read a book.

Anyways, back to the topic at hand… Some of the bike missions I’ve experienced are really fucking hard. Not going to spoil, but the sport bikes are just really finicky and the choppers are just unwavering sloths. Gr.

lol have yet to find a crotch rocket.

Anyone unfortunate enough to hit a brick wall head on @ 100+ mph? I love how you get ejected through the windshield

Yeah that’s hilarious for sure. I can’t get a passenger to eject though, which would be hilarious.

I have however, had a GF get accidentally ran over and killed. That sucked.

I raped her in the street :smiley: Sodomy by way of sawed off shotgun FTW

hahaha :lol:

so at that point, does she stop calling? Or does she respawn at her house?

that depends if you take your time getting in, if you hold down y longer you get in and put on your seat belt, just like on the motorcycle you put on a helmet if you hold down y.

i couldent wheelie on the chopper i stole, fucking pig!!!

never knew that… that’s some good info to know :tup: I was getting chased by a swat van and hit a wall in an M3 and went flying (killed myself in the process :frowning: )



kevin, you can if you find a steep hill/incline


I love how they added siq heaters into this game aswell :lol:


wtf u talking about, i didnt even know this
no wonder why i hit things head on i dont fly out

LOL Kevin plays the game the “right way.” This includes stopping at all red lights, signaling before turning, and doing a full 4 point inspection before getting in the car, lmao.

lol thats why im only on mission 2!!!



wait, you can use your turn signals? that would be pretty cool actually

Yeah, just hit Alt + F4.

sweet thanks lol

edit: or is it deltree c: ?

Yes it’s both. Do them!


is anyone NOT working today? I’m getting out of here in an hour and want to try some online gaming

im working, then going to see iron man, since its gunna rain