--- GRAND THEFT AUTO IV --- Thread!!!

The next idiot that posts a new GTAIV thread is getting pistol whipped, I swear to christ.

just picked mine up from BB on Transit, only had 2 copies left on the shelf for 360, PS3 had tons…lol I hope it isn’t just because they ordered 54 more PS3 copies



“hey Farva, what’s that restaurant that you really like called again?”

the ps3 version is supposedly freezing 80%+ of 60gb ps3’s within the first 2 minutes of the game …

That sucks…

Honestly I like the game but I wish character movement and graphic motion was like the older gta’s.

Multiplayer FTMFW though…


can’t wait to rub that in

I got mine like 2 hours ago at Blockbuster. If anyone is having problems finding it, try there. It really doesn’t seem to be that hard to obtain though.

one time i was talking to aaron online , and he said “brb”

then 3 hours later he said “ok back”

i believe he was just playing this game

Obviously his video game friends are more important than his bowling friends :slight_smile:

lol @ lapdances

lapdances bought consecutively are very lol. :slight_smile:

lol @ LZ slowly becoming an xbox nerd.

bro. ill see on tonight, bro. :wink:

I realized I had an issue when I was standing outside bestbuy with a bunch of uber nerds before it opened…


Pic blocked at work, if there is one :frowning:

its a good one

hahaha u stood in line.

now that is the last thing i ever would of expected you to do.

Play Grand Theft Auto IV multiplayer online with your friends starting today over the Xbox Live online entertainment network. Starting this fall, Xbox 360 owners will also have access to exclusive Grand Theft Auto IV episodes that will provide hours of additional game play

poor, poor sony

The funny shit was there were like 20 people outside of bestbuy waiting for it to open and like 6-7 of them were getting GTA the rest just wanted to shop…

this game is finally going to force me to buy one of the new systems and a tv