You know I havent had any issues with you, but if you want to be an ass hole and not even know what the hell is going on. Its pretty hard to blow up an engine that I never even drove with. First the engine isnt blown up. I have been pming him back and forth on this daily. I could be like every other scumbag and say you bought it as is and disappear. But no I am not that guy. I have been gving him all info on it and what to look for. But just like everyother person that doesnt know the story. You want to jump to conclusions in his defence. I suggest you talk to him before getting in my face about this.
Just like I told him. Its cyl 4. I had issues with the dowels and headgasket. I hate to say it but it may be forcing the gasket out of place. BUT the engine did run in the car, so I assumed it was fine and good to go. I never drove the car. Thats why I stated in the FS ad that it may need tinkering. I have plenty of people on here to vouch for me. So dont come in here and start shit like I am some peice of shit seller.