--- GRAND THEFT AUTO IV --- Thread!!!

multi player

cops n crooks


god dammit i need to get out of work.

maybe i’ll just close the doors and put up a sign.

“GTA4 out today, back tomorrow @ 10.”

You’re working from home today aren’t you? :lol:

I am project planning this week…shhhhh

everyone leave work now and get on live!

I am playing with the most ghetto group of people ever…someone called me cracker and everyone is throwing the N word around like woah!

Its great!

about to. fuck staying open until 7PM. who wants fireplaces today anyways? they can wait.

no live for me, finishing single player first.

Ugh I’m going to have a hard time not playing online today, although I really want to finish the single player.

I’d love to hear some shit on live… haha.

live is a little glitchy…cars and shit just disappear…

happens, so many people are on there im thinking.

someone want to buy me an xbox 360? I just moved into my own place… we can call it a house warming gift! :wink:

Don’t make me beg

^ I haven’t picked up the back yard in a week or so…


Exactly how much shit do I have to pick up to pay for an xbox 360? :slight_smile:

AND WTF IS UP WITH MY CUSTOM TITLE?! :insert angry face:

Whats the going rate on a 360?

And… I’ll look into that.

Nick’s grasp of punctuation sucks, as apparent in oh so many different custom titles. lol.

You’re right, I should start slowing down and milking the clock harder.

lol holy comma splice :wink:

3.5 hours. 3.5 hours…

A lot, especially since you never got back to me and I did the un-American job of picking up my own dog’s shit.

The good thing was the multiple snows/warmups caused most of it to just disappear. Extra green grass this year too so must be some good stuff in Max’s food.


Pick up is two words, BTW.

Can we get it back to normal, please?