Greenborder Pro Software

I already have norton, but this green border seems like a good idea.

It basically walls off internet explorer from the rest of the pc, so spyware and possible viruses are all gone when you close the web browser.


well you could just use firefox… and block explorer.exe and iexplore.exe in your firewall

werd :tup:

Its not me as it is everyone else in the office.

I dont think they can make the change to firefox

well to be honest… i don;'t know how it can effectively block IE from the rest of the computer since it is integrated into the OS…

for instance…

double click my computer, and then where it says mycomputer where you can type… erase and put there that explorer window is essentially IE. maybe that switch from explorer.exe to iexplore they can block something and isolate… but i see windows having far too many holes to really make it effective… therefore an alternate browser is probably still better

more worthless crap FTW…

If its an office your symantec corp edition v10 works very well against spyware and crap…