greeting from orlando

been down here for 2 night and i have yet to see a modified car …wtf … and its nice here … well nicer than albany

Thanks for the info STEVE!

no problem daniel

Im jealous.

I’ll be in Glendale AZ in 2 days!

Phx Vs. Dallas NHL game on Saturday night too!!

yeah :ahh thanks

There are riced out PR rides everywhere down there. Your not driving around enough.


cool thread bro


This dude speaks the truth.

BTW, what part of Orlando are you around? It could just be the area you’re in that you’re not seeing those dumpy rides.

I go to Orlando every year and I always see modded cars. Most of them being PR dumpy Hondas.


When I lived there, one of my neighbors was PR and owned a dumpy Civic lol

Every morning when he goes off to work or whatever, he starts his POS up and you can tell it’s him because his belts squeak when he starts it, and his exhaust blows, and his solution to get the belts to stop was to rev his cold engine a few times :banghead

Agreed. :lol

Lock 1

umm there are plenty of modded cars there… we used to meet at the super walmart on 50 once a week also go to cft or titan u will find some there.