Greetings from Egypt!

Hey guys I know I haven’t posted for like 2 weeks but that’s because I have been traveling around. I’m doing a tour of Egypt. I left Athens Greece like a week ago. I went to Alexandria then we took a cruise down the Nile to Cairo and now I’m in Sharm El Sheikh, it’s on the east coast of Egypt by the Red sea.

I think everyone should come to Egypt in their lifetime. It’s a must see! Especially if you like Ancient Egyptian history and all.

Here at Sharm El Sheikh it’s tropical, the weather is hot and there are some real nice beaches here. There is also a lot to see and do in Egypt if you want to see the whole country instead of just the pyramids so if you come here give your self at least a week or two.

Anyway take care all, just wanted to say hello and let people know i didn’t drop off the face of the earth again LOL. If I don’t post for a while, I’m either on a business trip or a pleasure trip, either way if I don’t post for a while it means I’m traveling! Take care all.

and you never post pics, possibly on you, a local daily newspaper and some recognizable building or something

^^ Don’t forget to post picks of babes! =D

dont forget spelloing mistakes in every post in this threads

any sweet CRX’s like this?

Awww, is wittle ving keeping you up at night and making you grumpy? :cool:

egypt huh? so are there big hairy camel toes everywhere or what?

I’d be careful of John now… he’s probably planning on running some pyramid scams here.

Sounds sweet man, post up some pics!!

2/10 maybe , im in a good mood

Remember if some says: Dirka Allah, Muhammed Jihad?

You reply: Muhammed … Dirka … Dirka …Allah … Dirka

haha Hector, you’re pretty generous!

Post pics? Are you guys kidding? It takes like half an hour just to log into SON LOL ! The Internet and the computers are so damn slow here. Plus I don’t have the connectors with me to hook up my camera to the computer and even if I did I don’t even have a clue how to download a pic from my camera to a computer and then post it on SON… yeah I suck when it comes to computers :frowning:

Anyway talking about pics!!! Forget Egypt!

How do you guys like this CRX ? LOLOLOLOLOL

OMG, I don’t even belive your Greek let alone in Egypt.


Don’t hate! Otherwise I will stick a souvlaki up your ass and smother tzatziki sauce all over your face. When I get back to Canada I will learn to post pics and I will post some. I’m not going to spend what little time I have left here trying to learn to post pics.

Enjoy the snow. LOL.

hey John were you affected by the earthquake??

Greece gets hit with earthquakes all the time, it’s a seismic area, you just don’t hear about most of them because they are usually under 6.0 and they hardly cause any damage if any at all. The buildings here in Greece are made to withstand earthquakes and most the buildings are not like back home. Residential apartment buildings are never more then 5 to 6 floor high (maximum). The only building that are more then 6 floors high are and modern highrises that are made to withstand earthquakes.

I have been here since July and so far I have been through 4 earthquakes, the one that happened like 2 months ago scared me because the epicenter was beside our island so we got shook up pretty hard. I hardly felt the last one that happen, I was far from the epicenter of the earthquake. We shook a little but not hard. These earthquakes are really something else! And you know what’s crazy is that you hear the rumble of the ground shaking before you start to feel it! It sounds like low bass!

Oh by the way!!! I’m back in Canada now!!! WTF is up with all this snow? Winter is nuts this year! Damnnnnn! I have so much shit to do now it’s unreal.
The first thing I did when I got back was go around the block with my 240sx. My battery was dead so I had to boost it and it will not hold a charge so I need a new battery, I now have an exhaust leak, my rotors are warped and my turbo sounds funny. Right now my car is the least of my worries, I will worry about these things when I take it out of storage in the summer, right now I got a lot of other shit to worry about. Anyway I’m off to New York City on Tuesday… Later guys.

Glad to see ur still breathing John… Hopefully we will all see you this summer brother.

Thanks bro. It’s good to be back in Canada…for now anyway. A lot of changes for me this year. And I mean A-LOT !!! It’s been crazy so far with all this work and traveling around I haven’t had much time for anything, I hardly have time to post, I try to concentrate more on work etc.
It was nice to be back in Canada and I came back just in time to get blasted with a blast of winter as a reminder to what I was missing LOL. It’s all good, it’s been fun. Saturday I’m leaving again, going back to Europe. I will try to be here for summer, I miss my 240sx so much! …I took it around the block a few times the day I got back but since then I haven’t had much time to play with it. Hopefully this summer I will complete the plans I have for it. And if my plans with work go as planned I might have even bigger plans, but I’m keeping that hush hush for now, I don’t want to get ahead of my self LOL.
Take care all.