$$, Groupies, and Jealous Envy aka How Does Money Change A Person?

I think a few people in this thread were mainly just concerned that you were going to piss you money away. I know I semi was. Yeah we’re not friends and we never talk but I have known you for years now and have seen a number of kids rip through a lump some of money buy all these things and then be back to broke with no way to up keep the things they bought.

Your friends with all the people I know to be good people. Good people generally associate with good people. Its like there are certain names you automatically attach to this area and cars cause they have been doing it forever. Anyone would hate to see another one of those “car jedi” fall. So I think on my behalf at least I was just concerned for well being. I have never been friends with someone just cause the car they drive, but i have met people because of the car they drive.