$$, Groupies, and Jealous Envy aka How Does Money Change A Person?

after all the useless trash, and shit on here, this is a great post. :thumbup

i think about your situation a lot bro, and it bothers me, i won’t lie. i know you would give everything back, just to be able to have everything be normal again. you are a nice guy, and did nothing to deserve to lose someting so precious. i know money is certainly not everything, but it can help “heal a wound,” (no pun intended) in the sense that at least you can do/ buy things to help take your mind off of your misfortune. i hope you can live a better life, and use it all to your advantage. i know that everybody is like your best friend now, and it must be fucking annoying. i knew who you were for a long time, (i used to hang out with justin many years back,) but didn’t really get to chill/ meet you until i met vlad. you are a good friend. i greatly appreciate all the times you’ve hooked me up and such. it means a lot to me. i know you have stacks, and pretty much whatever you need, but please don’t hesitate to lmk if you need a hand with anything. i’m nice to people that deserve it. i hope you know that i would still be your friend whether you had 20 million or you were broke as a joke living on welfare. you simply cannot put a price on a true friendship these days. there aren’t many people that are even worth my time.

that being said, i’m a pretty damn humble guy, but if you live my life you kinda gotta be. i have 2 beat ass bmw’s, none of which are fast, or anything special. i could make them anything and everything i wanted with my own two hands, but don’t have the $ to do so… sometimes it gets frustrating just watching everybody around you mod their cars, and just splurge. i wish i could do that still, but i’ve come to terms. it took me months just to be able to afford to mount some rims on my car, and my other is sitting with rust, dents, and a shattered windshield. it wasn’t even on the road last year because i simply couldn’t afford it. this state is a fucking wasteland when it comes to raising a child, and my kids mother is too immature, and irresposible to make things any easirer. the sooner i accept things and move on, the better, since i’ll be paying child support until in in my 40’s. again, not saying it wasn’t my fault, but it happened. i was the sole provider for her, and her mother, only to be walked out on. now no matter where i work, or what i do, i have to make enough to satisfy the system, and survive for myself, (which this state could give a rats ass about.) i do know there are a handful of people on here in the same position, but most probably have multiple forms of income. i know no matter how much i make, they will just take more of my $ based on that. its like an uphill battle, that i just need to face. :wierd