Grow the fuck up [split]

All most do on this forum is try to bandwagon hating on someones comment. It gets old.

None of you drive a Manly Base Model Automatic TL. So enough out of all of you

I’ve heard those make panites just fucking explode.

I drive a miata. Both of you girls are pretty. Shut up.

Skidmark, three day ban for sucking.

Well my S2000 was the Panty Dropper, but the TL… Gets the job done

So let me get this straight: The person who ALL of Shift makes fun of, more often than not because of the retarded comments he makes, attempts to insult my intelligence simply because I always put together coherent sentences? Keep in mind this is the same kid that refers to Shift members, whom he has never met in his life, by their first name and acts like he is their best friends?

Just trying to get my facts straight here.


Colin, add me.

cossey has owned 2 nissan skylines.

not exactly bavarian whore behavior

The fact that skid stain is trying to make fun of someone makes me laugh.

:skid :skid :skid

Also had a Subaru, Honda, Infiniti, and a 1G DSM.

You had a Honda?

Oh yea. A white accord or something right?

Did you ever happen to own a 1992 primered Ford Ranger by chance? They’re pretty sweet machines if I say so myself

They make for a great project. The v6 has a lot of potential.

“ALL of shift” makes fun of me? no, that’s wrong. mainly it’s you, murrdick, and cockcrew. I dont see why you get to give me shit, but I’m not allowed to respond. but if i give it beck, i get threatened with a ban! something seems a little off here to me! is it because your a “senior member”? or is it the fact that you’re a mod? Benny makes a better mod then you!

where did you get these “facts”? i freely admit i have never met a shift member! i never claimed to! if you haven’t realized, half of them have their first names in their user names! Wayne64SS, Bennyfizzle, antho3000gt, (or something like that). i only call KBB Jim because he calls me by my fist name.

EDIT: sorry, i forgot JRubino belongs on the douchebag list as well.

You’re a tard special dope.

I was getting worried I wasn’t going to get a shout out. Good thing I read all of this mindless post!

I rocked a few ‘girl’ cars. Not much manly about a Neon Expresso or a Hyundai Elantra and the Blazer I had kinda falls into soccer mom territory.but I really dont give a fuck.

Now I drive a fullsize pickup truck.

You’re a real man now PJB.

yes I am

You guys are pathetic with the childish behavior, comments and picking on each other. All of you.

Grow the fuck up.