Grow the fuck up [split]

I never said you couldn’t, or even shouldn’t, give shit back to people who do the same to you. At the very least, however, you should at least make sense and make what you’re saying in your insults seem true. For example, I call you retarded. I don’t do it without cause, I do it because 1) you signed up here with the name “specialkid” and 2) some of the shit you say legitimately makes you sound retarded. Like a Joseph Washburn.
Also, I never threatened you with a ban, and until I see something ban worthy, I wouldn’t. I’m not just gonna say “hey, you’re retarded, you should be banned” even if that may be what I’m thinking.

As far as acting like you know everyone here in person and have hung out on multiple occasions: do you read what you post? I don’t think you could be further up certain members’ asses.



Skid dope used the f word

I threatened to ban Collin, but, I’m not a mod… so…

Don’t forget me, ya tard

The main difference between you and Cossey. Cossey has a freakin clue when it come to a multitude of issues and topics both automotive and otherwise. That isn’t to say a lot of people on this forum started out as clueless kids that just wanted cool cars, however a lot of the content you add to the forum makes adults go :crackup:haha then :dunno then :banghead. So it was shortened to :skid

Anyway my point is stupid comments like calling Cossey a Nazi because he owns 2 BWMs is just moronic and childish. There are certain jokes that are normal internet B.S. / shift B.S. Take it with a grain of salt and maybe think a little more before you type.

Couldn’t have said it better myself. + rep.

skid stain, you just need to leave the forum for good. you have nothing good to contribute, except for the laughs i get from your lack of ANY intelligence. but i dont actually need that all the time. it starts to make my head hurt after a while.

warm regards
ps you are a dope.

Both you and skidmark, use the ignore feature, simple as that.

If you don’t like what people are saying than stop reading their posts and add them to ignore list, feature is there for a reason.

Skidmark you need to stop arguing with members as you will never win one, just let it be.

Corey you aren’t in a position to tell the members to leave and this whole designated bullying is on the verge of being against sites rules and policies.

The behavior of members and their attitude is just sad, disgraceful and pathetic.

You guys make fun of him all you want but you can’t get him off your mind and can’t stop taking about him and how stupid he is. You are no better than pathetic chicks reading tabloids about the Kardashians and judging them.

Joke is on you as you look like immature fools.

:rofl :rofl Vlad calling him skidmark. Ranger danger won’t appreciate that!

Freudian slip :rofl

funny thing is i do have him ignored. but i see his comments when other people quote them. so i see them anyways:dunno
and me telling him to leave, would actually help him from not being harassed everyday by everyone. sooooooo ok

I think he’s earned his right to be here by now. Will we stop busting his balls? Probably not but he’s here to stay I imagine.

Didn’t corey cry to Vladimir about being picked on??? Lol

Checking in for the douche bag list :rofl

you’re really not that bad though.

Great, now I got mentioned. Thanks, Colin.

As a kid, was a skid and no one knew me by name
Trashed my own house party because nobody came.

Now, I know I’m not the one you thought you knew back in high School
Never goin’ never showin’ up when we had to
Attention that we crave don’t tell us to behave
I’m sick of always hearin’ act your age

Mr. Skidz may post some shit that’s boggles your mind but it makes me happy his 'ol man is in the garage with him showing him how to work on a car/truck. I think I’ve said outloud to my monitor more than once “just SHUT the FUCK up”. But we were all 16 and/or retarded at one point in our life.

I’m fascinated that there are a few guys here who’s life is so sa they go above and beyond to inspect and dissect everything a young kid says and point it out publicly.

You know who else wastes his life inspecting what other people do non stop? This guy

But at least he’s wealthy doing it.

Seriously get a life. Dont like reading his posts? Then don’t read them. Don’t like reading them but still read them? Well you cant fix stupid.

Who the fuck is that?

A self portrait of Vlad himself