Grow the fuck up [split]

Perez Hilton a celebrutant blogger.

Seems like he’s an inspiration for people who love to pick on other members and read into their posts…

Hey, Perez lost a lot of weight… you leave him alone!!

I’ve never heard of Perez Hilton.


Honestly I think skidplate might make dumb comments blah blah blah… But I think it’s pretty cool to try and build a car/truck with what you have at 17 years old. We all don’t come from rich parents(I know I didn’t) so to attempt a build on a ford ranger or civic or whatever the fuck is a good thing at that age. I personally would wait to drop money into something that’s worth it but it’s your car. When I was 17 I wish I had the kind of enthusiasm you have for cars.

Thank you shift for tonight’s laughs :lol

Lance wheres that picture you made with the new shift?


I think other members missed this post and Corey’s post. Corey did get the same type of shit, the neg-repping, the just nonstop trolling from members and cried to Vlad about it. Also spilled his life story/emotions to Murdogg IIRC. Also got a bunch of plus rep from Vlad to stop his crying and then brought it up in real life like almost bragging about his plus rep from Vlad :rofl :rofl :rofl

So basically Corey has no place to talk in here :rofl

I feel like if the only insult towards me in this thread is that I drive a “girls car” then I can totally live with that. After all the EVO is a far superior automotive machine made only for the manliest of men to drive.
And for this site attempting to be an automotive one it shouldn’t really matter if it’s a “girl or boys” car. It’s how you drive it and how you present it.
So to AVB- get off your high horse and realize nobody on here respects you or even likes you more because you drive an EVO.

Yo nothing against corey but the rep editing is gay as fuck. d00ds got negged for a reason.

There are two Evo X’s I see on almost a daily basis and they’re both driven by females. But really, what kind of insult/argument is that? I see a C6Z06 every couple days(when the owner drives it to work I assume) that is female driven, built, supercharged C6Z…must mean C6Z’s are girl’s cars.

Then again, I drive a Jetta so I guess I’m in the girl car owner club. Should have a girly car meet, show off our gay cars.

Mine as well put me in that catergory too. I drive a Jetta station wagon. Not nearly as sweet as a 1992 full primered and entirely bone stock ford ranger.

Down for girly car meet!

I’m in for the girls car meet

buuuuuuut it worked didnt it?
you all left me alone right?
so it worked. and i dont really care now, since i realized i dont need you to like me anymore. so go ahead laugh it up. wont hurt me anymore. neg me whatever. if it makes you feel better, enjoy yourself bitches.:cone
and joey you are pretty two faced around me, so fuck off

It’s the internet, calm down.

Erryone needs to be calm.

Post a few dots and all hell breaks loose!
In that case,

everybody on shift makes fun of specialkid…bc he is stupid, young, and totally brings it upon himself. you actually might want to get out and meet some shift members soon, bc at the rate you are going, everybody will want to kick your ass the first time they see u lmao

Wait. So you were made fun of on the forum then cried to Vlad about it and now you’re in this thread making fun of skidstain? Get out of this thread!!

like said before , not everyone has money to build desirable cars . yes the kid is 16 or 17 and attempting to make a abortion and ill nod my head "more like shake it " but my god the kid needs to relax and shut up sometimes . i dont have a ton of money and i have 2 kids and i also am building a abortion car but i dont get my balls busted and ya know why ? cause ill keep my mouth shut for the most part . secondly , corey your a decent kid but u did a lot of dumb shit i mean ya tried to stick a pen in my asshole lol and that backfired horribly on u didnt it ? did the tatse of my ass ever leave your mouth ? lol