Grow the fuck up [split]

ill go to a chick car meet. my 3000 is like a eclipes for fat chicks

These dots are really pissing me off!!! Haha but on a serious not I’m sure alot of you guys are different in person. I primarily joined shift to meet up with car enthusiasts and go on cruises. But the drama sucked me in, like it has everyone at some point I’m sure.

Everyone takes shit when they join shift… No need to cry like a pussy about it.

Shit, I earned half my posts arguing with many of gays on this site. And everyone I meet off shift turn out to be really good guys and helpful. I’m with jeff, might be a good idea for skid to meat some members before its too late.

Lick my balls, faggots.

A lot of people act differently on Shift than they do in person. I’m sure I prolly do too. The thing with Shift is that since it’s very localized, people know each other and shit talking will commence, jokingly or not. No one on here knows Colin Case AKA specialkid AKA skidplate, and given he is so young and posts prolly the most retarded shit I’ve seen on a local forum in a long time, he will get a lot of shit from other members. One day when he can drive and meet with people, I’m sure shit will change. It’s just how things go. Until then though, he should be prepared to catch some shit.

Werd, when I heard that you had a massive blow out with bleached tips and drove like an absolute douche bag everywhere, I thought you were a flaming homo.

(kidding of course)

I’m gonna drop kick you in the throat.

You ruined it with the kidding of course.

You ruined it with the you ruined it with the kidding of course.

What are you wearing right now?

cossey i was wondering are tou guy who got poked in the eye and got a shit ton of money?

Too much. Shoes, socks, pants, boxer briefs, undershirt, polo, hoodie, hat, watch, and glasses. I dunno if that was too descriptive or not.


Count me in!

This whole thread made me chuckle.


Can’t knock a good throw back :wink:

hey guys, can somebody tell me they love me?

I love you…? Did it work ?

meh, I only got a halfsie

I earned half my post’s arguing with your fruit ass too.

everyone in here drives women cars. Especially that Sbardy swinger. He drives a minivan with two tv’s that have “friends” playing everytime I see him.