gt2871r install tips?

I m going to be installing my new turbo (gt2871r) soon and I was wondering if anyone who has done one of these can share any install tips they might have. Troubles, ect…



Ive done one.

Its pretty much a bolt on ordeal. The only suggestion I can give you is to soak all the nuts in bolts in oil well in advance of starting the job. Take your time, drain all the fluids and make sure to use a new exhaust mani gasket.

Are you installing a manifold or outlet pipe as well?

Oh and Ive got some Taka Turbo lines and a DC manifold for sale that would compliment that turbo VERY nicely :slight_smile:

I’ve done it a few times…

The only advise is don’t asseble too much of the turbo/manifold, outlet outside of the car. You’ll never be able to get it in that way. You really have to bolt the turbo and manifold to the head first…and bolt on the accessories after.


Pull that motor and assemble it all on the ground. This will me a fair bit easier if you have the required tools.


Take your time. don’t strip anything. Be careful threading lines into the block. Don’t break any bolts or studs…and have fun

I would suggest not using a gasket between the turbo and the manifold, they blow very easilly and two machined surfaces that are flat seal very well, esspecially since metal expands with heat.

Use either crush nuts or get new locking tabs or something for the nuts for the manifold > turbo. these come loose very very very easilly.

Also if you can use them for the turbo outlet that would help a lot as well. I’ve actually had my turb elbow almost rattle itself off, as have a few friends i know. Crush nuts seem to be the best thing to use if you dont want to weld the stuff on, using the stock locking tabs as well.

Put your oil and coolant lines on the turbo first, and then bolt to the block afterwards. If you are using stock lines you really need to clock the turbo very accuratly so that you dont have to bend the lines when installing them. Loosen the inside bolts on the exhaust housing of the turbo, there are 6 or 8 and then the compressor and centre cartrige will spin freely around the exhaust housing. Once you have the centre cartridge how you want it tighten up the exhaust side (tripple check they are all tight!) and then loosen the compressor bolts and rotate it to have it pointing out at the correct angle, and then use a 2" 90" silicone coupler out to the factory hotpipe.

Make sure you heat wrap this silicone coupler, and make sure your clamp is on the INSIDE of the heat wrap. So heat wrap the coupling on the car, its a bit more difficult but that way everything is aligned and tightened already.

Before you start the engine its a good idea to crank it over without the crank angle sensor first to build oil pressure in the turbo. Its also a good idea to not install the oil drain just yet and watch and make sure oil is coming out of the drain to ensure your oil line is hooked up correctly and is not clogged. It’s a good precaution for a 1200+$ turbo

Like Dan said, have fun with it. If you’re stressing go home and come back the next day. Your subcontious will naturally process the problem and find a solution, its amazing what the brain can do. A problem that seems unsolvable one day can be fixed in 2 min the next day sometimes if you’re in a differnet frame of mind.

Obviously after you’ve installed the turbo recheck all bolts and nuts and spin the turbo to make sure it spins freely.

Great advice guys, just what I was looking for Thanks!!

I should have stated I have the Taka lines and have the Bings manifold on with the stock turbo already.

Sasha - are you saying I don’t need to clock the turbo with the Taka lines?

You will probably still need to clock the turbo depending on your hot-pipe configuration. Easy job though. Loosen - rotate - tighten

the only thing that i found to be a pain was the WG actuator. i dont know if this is different now… but i remember before… you need to flip it and use spacers to make it work. Speaking of the one that comes with the turbo that is, not sure about the HKS ones.

go with what sasha said… put a bit of oil in the turbo before hand too. just to make sure.

you will need to clock it but that isnt too hard. the wastegate is a bit of a pain in the ass after you clock it but its not impossible. bending it and using washers and longer bolts is all you need to do.

make sure you buy it with a warranty

Well I bought it from you Bing…

I think I’m going to have a shop here in town install it. I don’t have the time (working too damn much)

F that man, i will clock it for you. i can do it with my eyes closed.

go to CT and buy a couple bolts that are a bit longer than the ones that come with the turbo.

the wastegate is like a 15 minute job, less even.

putting that turbo on is a 2.5 hour thing, start to finish. heck i was doing it in under 2 hours start to finish last year after having to do it 7 times in 3 months on 4 different turbos.

buy the proper gaskets first (if you are going to use gaskets at all) and do that shit…

way more margin for error when you dont do it

jeez i sell so many i cant remember who all i sold to…lol

keep your warranty card bOUY!!!