I hear the celica’s the best starter… hows the civic, how many km and what did you pay

im looking at an 88 silvia for 18,000 with 5,000km ;/

The civic is pretty awesome, its quick, havent lost a race yet. it had 30 000km and i paid 16 000

this game is amazing

the game play is off the charts imo

I got the ek type r. Best bang for you buck IMO. It was like 19980 lol

My review is it’s hands down the best gran turismo yet, but it’s no forza. I hate how all the cars sound the same.

And there is a Kouki :smiley: EDM 200sx

i ordered mine online, I’m a huge fan of it!
They said they will be coming out with lots of different modes.
Drifting will be one of them but i’m looking forward in it.

and yay me, i got a collectors edition but i’m disappointed with them not having a kouki. X(

So true, mine is so light and is a monster now lol

im impressed the physics are better than forza its more of a driving simulator.
3D and head tracking are whacked!! its intuitive, weird at first.
i like that you can now build courses, and all the tuning is still there and its much more accurate. i dont know where u guys were getting your info from.
basically the same as 4 just way better.

love this game already on level

my first car was a s15

has anyone tried online yet?

Non-premium cars look like hot, steamed, deep fried, grilled, shit.

i think i played for like 15 hours now greatest thing ever. lol called in sick to work haha

fuck im goona go buy one right now.

can you use money from gt5p? or do i have to start a new career

i think you have to start new im not sure tho.

+1 on that. SO underwhelmed by this shit its not even funny

i was told you can use the same money aswell.

and as for the standard vehicles…o gosh. im a fanboy of this game, but my levin looks like a razor sharp shoe box. not changing rims unless it’s premium is also fucked though.

Crazy game…once you start you do not want to stop.

this stupid installation is taking for ever…

okie i think i gotta take a Smoke/Son break most of the speecial events complete…all beginner, amateur and pro are complete and some expert =… but the game is amazing…

  • The go-karts are true fun

  • The 8 + multiplayer drift mode is wicked

  • The B-spec mode is wack, but allows you to collect money & vehicles/trophy’s while cleaning the house.

  • The no rims on certain cars is retarded

  • They could have at least tried to be the first racing game with actual spectators that do something other than just stand there even though a car is flying at them.

  • The online isnt anything similar to prologue so im confused slightly.

Overall = I xoxoxo this game

who ever wants to rip add me. S1DC_Drifter