GTI> b5 s4

PCV like you said.

Why don’t you call APR and argue with them?

You are modding an Audi not a 1991 Civic HB worth 1k…

When you mod cars that aren’t shit and you want a reputable name behind the product you pay for it…I don’t know the quality of APR but every time Audi modding comes up APR does…

he drives a volkswagon…

It was a general reference…

I know what he drives…unless he blew it up again…or got in some crazy drifting accident with it…

I still have the VW. APR is factory aftermarket(if that makes sense)

I’m just saying it’s not worth 8 grand for the kit because of the little power it makes. In a few years the price will drop and then it will be much more worth while.

The technology is new. Hence the prices being high.

I just think it’s obscene that you’ll spend 10k on a kit and still want more power, with nothing higher after that.

I’m content with where my car is now. It’s a DD. If I want fast I’ll build something else.

So what you are saying is mk5 kids are even worse than their mk4 counterparts? Oh well atleast they don’t look poor…

What are you talking about? Stage one is simple reflash, stage 2 requires intake, turbo back exhaust including downpipe, and 4 bar FPR if we are talking about your GTI. Stage 3 is BIG TURBO software which depending on brand- can be tuned to specific setups (atleast REVO can) so don’t quote that.

So in conclusion- you are STAGE 1 with A3 pipe and no intake or exhaust? I would say you are still probably in the high 14’s low 15’s range. What should a B5 S4 be capable of?

IMO they’re alot worse. Airbags are the next big thing on all rabbits lately:nono:
And you do realize I said that to piss off mostly everyone on that site right?
Call it burning bridges if you’d like but it’s full of 40 year old financial advisors who drive 20+ year old cars, nice or not. It gets extremely old after a while and I was sick of dealing with it.

K. now that we got that settled. lol.

simple software for a biturbo 2.7 yeilds somewhere in the 300+ range. There are a few 2.7 t s4’s around here that have some serious shit done to them, prolly 12 sec cars.

I think 01audis4’s car is in the 12 second area.
It looked pretty beat paintwise, and it was pretty loud. He may have been lacking the driver mod or whatever. He also had 3 other people in the car with him, I was alone. Theres so many variables that could have led to this outcome so who knows!

LOL flame on

lol, every time I mention doing anything to my GTI on ditb they all go apeshit TELLING ME what I can and cannot afford! Seriously the nerve of some people disgusts me!

Theres a difference between not being able to afford and not wanting to afford.

exactly what I said.

I know off the top of my head, as I had apr tuning on my gti mk5.
stage 1 reflash adds 50hp and 100ft/lbs to the crank. (dyno proven obv)
stage 2 from what I heard adds another 40+ hp. but you need a full exhaust,intake and bigger fuel pump

Meh I don’t hang out with them nor do I really care what you said, it just proved what a little baby you can be. You couldn’t pay me to buy a newer vw cept for maybe a diesel. Have fun with car payments :slight_smile:

I could have sworn it went the other way, minus the fuel pump. oh well. I don’ pay too much attention to any of that.

They think they twist my undies up, I just wanted to return the favor. I haven’t been on there since, but from what I’ve heard they’re STILL talking about it!
I don’t mind the payments, really. I checked out the new jetta wagons and man oh man I would have leased one of those in a heartbeat had they have been out then, especially a diesel one, mmmmmmmmmmm :tup:

The only person who responded since was fuzzyfish, they really could care less about you or what u do. I’m over vw’s I like a nice mk2 or older maybe even a mk3 but as my two jettas sit I find myseld slowly loosing intrest.

I don’t blame you one bit. I’ve found that these are one of the harder/hardest cars to work on, and quite honestly I don’t find it to be very rewarding. I keep finding myself going back to my roots, wanting a DSM.

Cars are no longer “my life” as they once were, they are now more-so there when I want them to be, which is actually improving my life and making me a much happier, productive person. Thus me dropping out of Auto at ECC and going for business so I may have a better life with more $ if I keep my head on straight.

Most of this I can thank shrives for :slight_smile:

They’re not.

It’s not even that they are hard to work on because mk2s are pretty cake it’s just a general lack of motivation and time. I should just sell them and buy another race car.