Gumball 3000 - Buffalo

You forgot the beer in your post. Otherwise you hit on everything.

Could we setup on the hill at the tubing place? Anyone have a connection there?

I think I may get a for-one-day job at the toll booth for this:tup:

Beer! I call not it for driving lol.

I doubt the route is advertised before the start

Id also like to know which way they are going. Both ways are the time per Google Maps. I would think if they took the 90, the Troopers will destroy them. There are always troopers all over the 90 from Buffalo to Syracuse. They are going to have a heyday!

I was thinking about setting up on Grand Island with some ppl and a BBQ to see them go by.

i wish i had the balls and stupidty to do this rally…looks like alot of fun…i wouldnt mind seeing or trying to chase for tad

When is this happening.

Pretty sure excess money will cover those things and would make it a little easier to do this. Reason #231 why I wouldn’t mind being rich…

I wouldn’t mind chillin on the side of the 90 for this. Catered ribs anyone? :yumyum:

I dont care where, I just need to be told a time and place, and how many burgers to bring for the grill…

well if they go over the Grand Island Bridge there gonna get stuck in traffic cause of the wondeful state working on the bridge.
GOD i wish i was rich so i could do this!!

Buffalo to NYC, really? That’s not a rally, that’s a visit home to see my parents.
There are some abandoned parking lots with an easy view of the 190 on grand island.
I might hang out for a bit to see the cars but that doesn’t sound like much of a cruise.

The rally is Boston, Quebec, Toronto, NYC.

A friend up north told me they would be arriving in Toronto around 7pm Thursday. I think that means they stay the night there then leave in the a.m.?

I was thinking about posting up near the driving range on Youngs, also.

thanks for clarifying, i feel better now :slight_smile:


haha. the gumball website they were looking for “enviromental friendly” cars haha those dont look very enviromental friendly to me.

I dunno. That Bentley’s pretty green.

So any plans for a meet to watch the cars this Friday?

I’m going to be out of town this weekend, so I’m out on any gumball watch.