Gumball 3000 Veyron Impounded

my gut reaction would be the same, but there IS something to be said for doing insanely stupid things in a “smart” / “safe’r” manner - which is the case here. I’m not condoning it, but its not like this was on the 400 @ 8pm.

Did this happen in the states or in europe?

Yeah, I didn’t notice the desert background at first, so I can’t really judge the level of stupidity. No problems with you doing 200 on an empty desert road with clear sightlines.

At the same time, I’ve seen enough gumball footage with them driving like complete asshats in traffic to doubt the road being empty.

did anyone look at the pics?

That is insane.:tup:

meh… this just makes me remember the “buffalo ghostrider” thread. lol.

I wish “he” would have done it when he owned his “geared TALLER” than stock GSXR 1000… i bet it would have hit ~190


I know a C5 on here that hit an indicated 190 on public roads, it might not have been this country though. :snky:

I hit an indicated 120 on a snowmobile on a public road.

New Mexico, and he wasn’t the only one impounded

Also he is not the head of a company…

that was about 8:30 last night, and stupid me forgot my flash so I am filtering through a bunch of pics that turned out like complete shit

EDIT: Best car there, a real LAPD car

LOL Swine Flu Response. They should throw on a “Biohazard Onboard” sticker and would never get pulled over.

Yeah. Minus that whole criminal proceedings for running DOT placards without the proper paperwork.

no one can speed preach. everyone has hammered it at least once in their life.

hell i had a k car going an indicated 5mph :wink: and conservatively calculated 141mph.


this is from 2am this morning

apparently he wasn’t held that long, also he is apparently a Dallas resident…

I hit 155 in a taurus does that make me a hard ass.

No, It makes you gay and stupid.


who cares about the fine, he can buy his way out of trouble if he can afford to have a Veyron.

rock on, i hope he gets pulled again doing 210mph

Checking in :burnin:


ever been to North Dakota?

I have, its empty, really empty. Somehow I got pulled over though, in the middle of now where, doing an apparent 89 in a 75 zone…long story but I wasn’t going that fast, the radar gun said 88, 70 dollar ticket. …in his defense about a half hour earlier I did go 140 :slight_smile:

It was bugging me the whole trip, I came up a hill, to a long plateau, nothing for miles, I punched it.

Great story, can we hear it again? Please