Gumball3000 2010 - Quebec city & toronto.

half of woodbridge will be going supercar hunting … should be fun … if this is still on.

i <3 suicide.

If you guys just want to see sweet cars, go hit up whatever hotel they are staying at.

I highly advise against trying to get with their group on the highway. You will either piss them off, which gets the cops called on you, try and keep up, which ends up with you and a lot of fines, or end up in some sort of other trouble.

ok since your trying to get at something
ill bite…

why is it scumball?

Scumball refers to those trying to tag along rather than paying the entry fee.

I wanna meet alex roy and get him to sign my copy of his book! :smiley:

Lol, Chase him down and get him to sign it lol


I’ll sneak into his hotel suite. ninjaaaa.

i have that book.

Isn’t it excellent?

SON enters Gumball 3000…

Lowballs entry fee by 75% of original price.

sounds gay.

ps: ^^ lol at lowballs entry fee by 75% of original price :smiley:

noone on son would even pay 25%… theyd try to get in with a 20… LOL