Gun fags, come on in! Need some advice

dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb

You can only legally own that if it’s preban in NY. Our state is gay and law abiding citizens can’t own weapons with magazine capacity in excess of 10 rounds unless they are made before 199x (exact date escapes me). Either way for HD use a 12 gauge shotgun really is your best choice. I would recomend a remington 870 tactical. To answer your other question about ARs being available in basically any caliber let me elaborate a little bit. The lower reciever or bottom half of the weapon is detachable from the upper which constist of the barrel and firing mechanism. It’s more complicated then that but this is the simple explanation. So you can buy a good quality lower reciever and different uppers in various calibers to suit your needs. However if you want a good quality AR I would only buy a S&W, colt or bushmaster. Those are some of the higher quality firearms. You could also look into getting a STAG piston rifle which is beneficial if you will do a lot of shooting and don’t want to worry about fouling the gas tube. Either way to end a long ranting post if you think you will ever have to use the rifle to defend yourself or someone else figure on spending over 1000 dollars for a high quality one or you may regret it later. Also you can buy an 870 tactical at dicks for about 500 bucks new, so that would be your best bet for HD use.

the furry 4 legged mammal will take care of anyone way before i could get to any of the guns that i dont have…


Now here’s an idea, save a little more money, don’t buy firearms, move to better neighborhood… Profit?

same here…no wait, mine might just roll over and wait for someone to rub her belly :facepalm

But on a real note if you are looking for good info on guns and home protection (no offense to anyone on here) but this isn’t the site to be asking except for a select few that actually know what they are talking about on here. Go to and get some opinions.

However my $0.02 is you need to shop around, a gun is not a toy in any way and should be taken seriously, you need to find something that YOU feel comfortable with, I mean everyones opinion is nice but if you don’t feel right shooting a gun everyone tells you to get then thats not the right one for you, which is why I love AR’s, there are so many different styles and parts you can get that you can make one fully custom to you specifications.

semi auto 12 gauge. 3inch slug, no bird pellet junk.if you cant aim on a target thats under 20ft away you shouldnt have a gun.

its a little different when your in a tense situation… you don’t have the same focus

Thanks for the info dude! Im leaning more towards a tactical shotgun now than the rifle’s I think, especially price-wise! Do you sell the SPX’s? And can you get a pistol grip setup rather than the stock for them?

Oh, and school a noob on what the difference is between 00 01 and yada yada shotgun shells :lol.

lol wtf

I think thats like the style of shot. Like the difference between bird shot and turkey shot.

Still aint helping lol, Im not sure what the spray patterns are like on any of the shots I guess is what I mean.

rough info here, but it get’s you in the ballpark

check the charts towards the bottom of the page.

Theres a section on shot. I would say you would want smaller pellets, which would be a wider spray and wouldn’t travel as far.

Thanks fellas

Adam gunna be sprayin’ ni99azz

Im gonna mount it to the front of the mustang, and when these stupid hondas come flying by me at the 1/8th… BANG BANG :lol

They actually make ammo that is specifically designed for home defense. I bought some a while back, haven’t gotten around to target shooting any of it though to see how it really scatters. Look at the assault weapons law part of NY firearms, if I remember correclty for a semiauto shotgun there is a limitation on the magazine tube size if it has a pistol grip for it to be legal. It is something to the effect that you can’t have a mag extension tube, limiting you to 4 or 5 shells. Something to think about, also I wouldn’t think a slug would be your best option for HD use. I’m not an expert, but I would personally have some spread if I was in that kind of a close engaugement situation. Thats just my .02. Also if you have no real experience with firearms I would suggest starting with a shotgun, they are very easy to operate effectively with little to no experience. I personally like shooting trap or skeet for practice since it gives you a lot of experience tracking and leading targets.

Went out and bought a mossberg 500 tactical with pistol grip. Absolutely love the gun, can’t wait to go Target shooting with it

Just walk around Waynes backyard, you’re bound to find something to shoot.