this one
I already have something like that.
toying with the idea of an LCP .380 or the Kahr .380… or something else maybe…
This would be a potential full time carry, so nothing bigger. I have a gun at home thats larger.
The guys at the range said the Kahr has less recoil and is a much nicer gun to shoot.
The LCP is 1/2 the price… what other options would you look for? PS, carry conceal here is a 3-4 week process…awesome.
---------- Post added at 11:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:34 PM ----------
PS… looked at the kimber, that things WAYY too big, my uncle is insane.
man that pk380 is a nice looking gun!
i think it about time i joined a gun club
I’d have trouble justifying the cost of the Kahr over the LCP because of how they’re intended to be used. Yeah, the Kahr has better sights… on a gun that if you ever actually need to use would most likely be in a 1-5 foot range where the sights aren’t much of an issue. Yes the Kahr is nicer, but it’s a gun that gets tossed in a pocket holster and beat up every day. Yes, the LCP has a long trigger pull, but it’s a pocket carry gun with no external safety. And yes, the LCP starts to hurt your hand after 20-30 rounds (confirmed when I took my buddies to the range). But in a real defensive situation it’s very unlikely you’re going to be firing more than it’s 6+1.
So, OP, what did you get?
I’ve actually been shopping myself, took a visit to Allstar Tactical and been learning up on a A2/A3 AR’s
I ended up getting a Smith & Wesson 908s. I love the gun, I ended up finding a brand new one even though they stopped production around 2000. I’ll keep this one forever.
The 908 has an all metal alloy frame. It’s a respectable sized compact, the 908 has a 3.5" barrel and weighs 24 oz empty. The 908 is a double action/single action pistol. The 908 has an external manual safety lever on the right side only. It protrudes enough so it can be easily engaged or disengaged. The lever also serves as a decocker.
If you’re looking for an awesome sub for cc look into the smith body guard. It is around $300 brand new and comes with a lazer. Also it has an external safety! This gun seriously rocks.
They also have a revolver version that I will be buying shortly. Both have built in lazers.
I actually have two Walther Pk’s right now haha. I love those guns.
im jealous, i should have been born in texas. hate trucks, but i love guns.
both those you listed are too small for canada, pretty sure theyre in the prohibited category due to their size.
I’ll look into the keltec and bodyguard as well… is there a site that compares side by side? features, size, weight…
---------- Post added at 01:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:13 PM ----------
Jay, thanks for the write up… great points.
Check out the bodyguard you’ll love it. Cheap price, pretty small, comfy and lots of features. I wouldn’t buy anything else at this point (both in time and price) in a 38.
The 908s isn’t super small but it is very thin which I love. Single stack 9mm.
is the body guard any bigger than the lcp? I looked at a keltec today… .380, didnt like it. I’m going to shoot it later this week probably. Does a full carry gun really get that beat up if you carry it all the time?
If you are new to pistols your first one should be comfortable enough to shoot a ton (500 rounds in one day) without any pain. If it is not comfortable to shoot you will not practice, and if you do not practice there is absolutely no way you should carry. The same goes for not having one in the chamber. If you are not comfortable with one in the chamber you should take some training classes. If at the end of that you still do not want to carry with one in the chamber, you don’t have the right mindset.
Will, if possible shoot as many as you can as much as you can. The smaller “peepee” guns, should be a 2nd or even 3rd purchase. They suck to shoot allot, and if you don’t shoot them allot your ability with them will suck even worse. For a first pistol you want something that fits your hand and has a reasonably wide back strap, this will distribute the force evenly and help you develop proper skills and minimize bad habits that will need to be broken in the future. An M&P 9c is a great starter pistol for some people. It is smaller, but still comfy to shoot a ton. The grip allows 3 full fingers and the back straps are adjustable.
^thanks… I need to make more friends down here that have multiple guns, I’ll probably go rent a bunch of guns when the time comes to purchase.
I dont want a big bulky gun, I have a taurus revolver now, but its a .32 long and last time I bought ammo is was 34 a box… its simple to shoot, and accurate, but i dont want to carry it. I also dont like keeping it loaded in my house. (Still dont have the right mindset, a semi-auto would make me feel more comfortable if it were unracked and in my nightstand) That’s probably just a mental block that I have. Guns are fairly new to me. I was told the ruger has a fairly sizeable recoil and isnt as comfy to shoot as the Kahr, perhaps I’ll need to shoot a bunch.
For a pocket-able gun, what would you recommend? I couldnt imagine carrying something even as sizeable as the glock subcompact that I shot last week… or the kimber.
To make sure you get a good start I would go with something in 9mm and in a size that is comfy to shoot a bunch. Think of it as a good future HD gun over a carry gun. Then sign up for some training this will get you started in the right direction for sure. Being thin like you are can make carrying some guns easier, so size may not be as big of an issue as you think.
After you get a class or two under your belt and you still want a smaller pocket pistol I would lean towards the Bodyguard posted above. The ruger is just a copy of the Keltec, though more reliable it still sucks to shoot.
gahhhh this is going to get expensive… lol. I can already feel it… :lol:
LOL, all good hobbies get expensive. At least with this one you have tangible goods that will hold value if not go up if you buy right.
bpipe95 has a point about getting something you’ll want to shoot a lot first. I like the LCP for daily carry but it will be my 2nd handgun purchase. The first was a glock 19 that I hit the range with at least once a month, usually more. I’ve got over 2000 rounds through it and other than 1 crap round that fired so poorly I had to check to be sure the bullet cleared the barrel it has never malfunctioned. And even that malfunction wasn’t the fault of the gun but the shitty russian bulk ammo I was firing. I can put over 200 rounds through it before it gets uncomfortable and even then the only pain is from an old jetski injury to my wrist.
Pocket guns aren’t going to be fun to shoot because of simple physics. They’re designed to be as easily concealable as possible, meaning small and light, which means their recoil is very sharp while having limited grip length to hold on to. Things you don’t really care about in a defensive situation, but are issues for guns you want to shoot a lot. Once I get my LCP I’m sure I’ll bring it to the range to stay proficient with it but it will be 10-20 rounds not the 100-150 I put through the glock in a trip.
Picked up a keltec P-3at for cheap from a buddy of mine… got it 3 or 4 weeks ago, and finally made it to the range today.
Overall, I’m happy with it, for full carry it couldnt be any better.
It hates flat tipped winchester .380, but since i polished the feed ramp, it seems to be fine. PMC’s ammo never gave me any issues and I probably put 100 rounds through the gun today. Only complaint is my trigger finger all blistered from rubbing the trigger well while firing. The kick was kind of a surprise for the first couple rounds but from 30 ft or so my groupings were tight enough for me to be pleased with a gun that had such non-existent sights.
This is going to become an expensive hobby and I blame my parents for never letting me play with guns as a child. :lol:
---------- Post added at 11:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:12 PM ----------
I will be purchasing a full size 9mm gun as soon as I can justify spending the money, but the keltec was so reasonable, I couldnt pass it up.
I’ll wear a bandaid next time I go to the range, perhaps that’ll save me some of my agony.
The finger extension for the magazine was very nice in helping me get one more finger on the grip… imo, its a must have for such a small gun.
bandaid will go on next time I go to the range.