Gun permits?

has anyone applied lately, I have been bullshitting around and haven been yet, trying to go before NOV is over


if you have a NYS pistol permit, you cannot take your pistol to another state unless you have a permit in that state.


Not true. If the other state doesn’t require a permit, then you can take the pistol out of state. Some states that require permits will accept NYS permit to own, but not carry conceled. And some states will accept NYS carry permits, and NYS accepts theres (only like 2 states i believe). In NC you have to get a “permit” but its just to purchse a hand gun, you can get up to 4 at a time, and you turn them in like ration tickets at the time of purchase. But if you already own a hand gun, then you canjust bring it into the state. Alabama you can just walk up to a counter and buy one, nothing else needed.

i lived in Allegany county when I applied… 6 weeks from the day I drop the application off at the Sherriff and got fingerprinted to the day it showed up in the mail at my house.

Erie county sucks, move south for 2 months and apply down here, hell i will even be a reference for you

i need to get my a$$ in gear and do this, anyone want to class up?

might be moving south, far south like GA.

I still dont get the point of carrying. Are you all hustlers?

My permit took only 3 1/2 months to get.

im in the process of applying i turn 21 in a month. Buf general will be switching to armed peace officer statis within the next couple years so im doing it now so i can be prepared.

thumbs up to the laser beam glock lol

Alaska and Vermont don’t require permits. Anyone can carry there. Idaho, Montana, Utah, Oklahoma, Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, Indiana and Michigan all honor a NY permit.

do they check your family background?

yes but it wont haunt as badly as if ur going for say a police job

I need to stop asshatting and hand mine in