guys did you hear about this or seen this happen

I do not know how true it is, but I will rather be safe than dead!!!


Someone was following me on my way to Whitby Friday night with no headlights on. I just assumed they forgot. As I was ahead of them I had no way to signal them. They flashed their lights at me a couple of times and eventually passed me. The car was packed with teenagers. If this was a gang initiation, I am glad I did not signal them as I had the kids in the car.
Please be careful everybody.
Please pass this on! Important police warning… Very scary, now moving east…started in Manitoba , now in Saskatchewan , and moving east and west.
This came directly from our Driver Training People who got the warning.
Pass this to anyone you can. One of the officers who works with the DARE program has passed along the following warning and asked that it be shared with all drivers. This is an extremely serious matter.

If you are driving after dark and you see a car without its head-lights on, do not flash your lights,do not blow your horn or make any signals to the driver of the other car. There is a new common gang Initiation ‘game’ going on the streets. The new member being initiated drives along without his headlights on until someone notices and flashes their headlights or makes some sort of other action to signal him. The gang member is now required to chase the car and shoot at or into the car in order to complete his initiation requirements.
Make sure you share this information with your family, friends, and anyone else you can reach. If you have any questions or information, please call your local police department.
Please take this seriously. This is not a joke. Please pass this on to everyone you know on e-mail and in person. It could save someone’s life.
Orle Howat
Compensation Advisor RCMP
Compensation Services, NWR Sask.
Regina , Saskatchewan
S4P 3K7
Phone: (306) 780-7206
Fax: (306)780-6581
E-Mail Internet:

heard about this on tv on some show they said it was just a myth tho

I heard this awhile ago. If someone is driving at nights with there light’s off I would hope they realize or they deserve whatever is coming.

Yeah I heard about this years ago. Urban myth, IMO…

Same heard this in like grade 7, lol, im still young. Its fake.

Go with your gut and be careful.

If anything, make sure you start shooting first.


lol id let tehm try to catch me

didnt they make a movie about that kinda thing with kevin bacon?

Yea just make sure you get them first. note: always keep ammonia on hand.

shoot back it will be funny they would expect a thing dumb fucks i hate gangster

i hate you^ lol.JKZ

I heard this from a friend. I generally ignore what other people are doing though. The only time I tried to signal someone, was one time where this altima infront of me took a left, and a shitload of water spilled out of the trunk. But that’s because that’s just fucked up.

got pics?

all i gotta say is…

yea Kevin Bacon made a movie that had this scenario in it , he ended up liek wiping out the entire gang that killed his son, If that happened to me i would duck and then Fish tail a bitch then bounce.
story done = I

nelly i didnt even understand that last comment…

its pretty simple not to get caught in this mess…
mind your own fking business.

and common, now a days… just take down a plate, everyone has cell phones… etc…
this thread is gay

i saw a bunch of old ppl in a car with no headlights on what does that mean???

its a joke.

I see old people with their highbeams on behind me in the highway. Is there another form of senior gang going around as well?

yeah my G-pa likes to have pow wows

Did you get this from your hotmail junkmail folder or what?