had a rough day with my Cat...

I have a female cat named kate. See what I did there?

i dont…but ill allow it anyways.

way too many LOL’s in this thread i prolly pissed my pants i dont even know yet

:rofl thats a little bit over the top, chief !



Thank you for realizing this, its not like i killed it or even tried to harm it. I simply saw it hanging out of a tree dying. I couldve shot it to finish it off, but it was dark out and i dont have a flashlight mounted on my shotgun. These cats around here are nothing more than wild animals themself, very far from a house cat. They are violent and i wouldnt be suprised if they had rabies or any other diseases.

yeah apparently very few people were able to understand that point within your story and thought that instead you had cum on your face and you should die in fires because of a wild half dead animal.

I’m tempted to MS Paint a picture of this for shits and giggles

do it CHAZ

braaahahahah, Gat you couldn’t have had a worse picture on your facebook for this


nigggaaaa, u got a load on ur faces!

bwahahahaha! not quite as good at meattits, but ill give a +rep for it


He has consistently shown a huge lack of respect for animals in past threads. The most memorable being a hunting thread last fall.

But even more importantly is his lack of respect for the OP. Why he would choose to come in and tell that story while the OP is obviously upset about his cat’s situation puts him at the bottom of the barrel as far as I am concerned.


^ QQ?

i understand hw you and the op feel, and why his post was not very appropiate.

BUT I think you guys got too sensitive, and overreacted to his post

he only did that shit to piss u off and make others laugh, nothing more



so much for this thread…

All depends on what side of the situation your on.