Had my MR2 Parting out party!

A good time was had by all, heres some pics,


TO drag it without a rear tire, we came up with this idea, GOODBYE LAWNMOWER

Then we gave here a lil tug with the JEEP

Once inside there was food for everyone

Then it got really fun and everyone lended a hand

with everything removed it was light enough even Lauren could lift it up.

we were even lucky enough to get the WHOLE harness without one single cut

then out came the torches and the rest is history…

Thanks to everyone that helped


i want that STi

I :love: Plasma Torches

burnyD is going to shit himself.

burn burrn burrrn looks like it was fun

They should do this to all MR2’s. Except the really old boxy looking ones.


:rofl: :owned:

lmao. shame the body looked half decent. but at least some good parts came out of it!

are the seats up for grabs?

I need to do this with my ITR one day :frowning:

id rather have the EVO in picture 6

noahTHEpurdy…I am both confused and amused by your silly comment. I am wondering what information you are basing it on. Maybe you ment they should all be cut up and parted out because even rolled Mr2’s are worth more money then your two slow pieces of shit. Or maybe if all Mr2’s were cut up your cars would seem faster? Im not sure but maybe next time think before you type, or actually dont talk ever again because your obviously retarded. Homo :blanyer:

yeah ok, because the older ones are slow, and well that seems to be what your into.

the other funny part is that an Mr2 turbo rolled is still worth more / faster than what your rockin’

X2 for SoSlow

y do you like the shitty gen of every cool car lol? :doh:

:rofl:…shut up noob

What makes someone a n00b? A post count ? Or never turning a wrench in your life ?

Looked like fun.

best looking mr2 0f 2007

:bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:
Apparently MR2’s make up for a large portion of fast cars! I’m sorry I’m so mis-informed.

The older ones look so much cooler than those. I’d rather drive something slow, than drive something I’d feel :greddy: in.

Black Sheep > *.

Don’t worry You’ll get informed if your P.O.S. ever makes it to PRP

And you do.