I caught this while I was under the Z a few minutes ago. Does this appear to be scratched or fractured? Its the part where the tie rod end goes through the wheel hub assembly.
Heres the tie rod end, does it look like it needs to be replaced?
I caught this while I was under the Z a few minutes ago. Does this appear to be scratched or fractured? Its the part where the tie rod end goes through the wheel hub assembly.
Heres the tie rod end, does it look like it needs to be replaced?
Cracks appear dark. first pictures shows a casting flash, second+ thirds shows surface scratches/imperfections.
Tie rod end tight, no torn boot = fine If it’s very easy to move(and I mean by using one finger to push it around) or wobbles all over the place it’s worn and needs replacing.
Good news, their only scratches. If they were cracks on a casting that thick you would have known, it’d be too obvious. As far as tie rods go, just because the boots are good doesn’t mean the tie rod is. They best way to see if its good is to mount is back on the car and give a good shake in the movement patterns its designed for, shaking the hub left and right. It is a tie rod right, if its anther type of linkage that’s not controlling steering then you gotta figure out its movement pattern.
wow blast from the past great cpr buddy repostin in dead threads
way to stay on top of that Hitler!!! ;D
:stfu i dont get to do it often so when i do, i do it makes me feel above all like brett :nana :hug
Get some Metal-Chek, that will tell ya for sure, its what they use on military aircraft to find minute cracks. But i think you should be ok and agree with what everyone else is sayin
adam look at o/p date its good he established that :lol
:lol oops
wow u just as slow as that FUCKIN MUSTANG