Haitian earthquake

Well when I heard about this I was doubting many would get hurt because they all live in flimsy, lightweight shacks right?

Apparently they do have buildings…

Yes, they have legoland neighborhoods built out of shitty concrete, filed with sweaty masses. Kind of like UB

This is absolutely terrible. The sad fact is that these types of events are only going to become more frequent as the population keeps growing rapidly.


Yeah we have some derelict living conditions here in the states but nothing this bad so quiet down with that oprah garbage :hay:

I’m going to come off as an ass but I’m used to it, and my argument is valid and goes along with many societal notions on population growth and development.

As it sits right now we have 6.7 BILLION people on this planet. 100 years ago we had 1.2 billion and in 100 years it’s estimated we will be close to 20 BILLION people.

Those of you that think we can sustane a population of this size, let alone DOUBLE, are so ill-informed. When deer populations grow too large, we kill deer off to a sustainable level, same with many animals. But what do we do when our own levels exceed a level past the sustainability line?

Now, not to sound nihilistic but God sure as hell is not going to come rescue the human race from it’s own demise, this was all natural occurance, sad, yes, but part of life. Our population is at a critical level and in all true fact, 500,000 people dead is tragic but benefitial as well, it’s just a mere speck of the numbers we would need to reduce to get back to a maintainable and healthy level.

But hey, what do I know. Sorry to come off as esoteric in my statement, but I feel it needed to be said.

Yes, this is tragic, but oh well. I’m still alive and though it may sound selfish and cruel, better them than I.

Ya fuck everyone else as long as I am safe :danny: wow

really? how do you do THAT?


and lol at psunami…

This is sad, i had no clue it was so serious when I first heard about it.

Yep, but go ahead, send your money to people whom you have no connection with besides the fact you share the same planet.

And Will, obviously by building Walmarts! Lol


[QUOTE= And Will, obviously by building Walmarts! Lol



Yeah Chris don’t you dare think objectively!

Thank God for the life I live…

:tup: to that! lol

God, I need a freaking beer.

This is very tragic.

Not sure about comparable conditions but I feel we should be taking care of our country’s problems before spending billions in aid across the globe.

The above doesn’t bother you zklug?

Motorcross, I have been preaching about the exponential growth in world population for some time now. No one really cares. The scary/horrible/fix-to-the-problem thing is that the world is estimated to only be able to support about 1.5 billion without oil. So I guess when we do run out of cheap and easily obtainable oil the killing and starving will solve this problem.

Holy crap, are you guys part of the New World Order/Illuminati?
“We must eliminate zee population until we reach 500,000!”

Yes, I have an illuminati membership card in my pocket.

^It’s good to see someone else who sees the problem. I didn’t want to come off too harsh but yes, when the oils gone you’ll see a huge drop in total population. Although it won’t be third world nations exclusively, it’ll be global.

On topic with this thread though, the reason we see such big death tolls as of recent is due in part to cramped over populated conditions in addition to poor construction of infrastructure.

Doesn’t help when emergency response is limited at best. Immediate death tolls are going to “low” compared to the fall-out death tolls, with many trapped and without food or fresh water, they are the most vunerable.

Yep me too, see at the meeting tonight Penfold!

Will you sponsor me? I need to join the winning side. lol

Seriously though don’t tell Penfold but I wish they were Muslims in Haiti, we can’t afford to lose more Christians.:wink:

I thought they practiced voo doo?