Haitian earthquake

That’s a war, it’s a given that people are gonna die (holocaust was fucked up though). But even at that, I wasn’t around to witness it.

You actually think the Money is gonna go to Haiti. Lol, just like all that money they raised for 9/11.

Venezuela 5.6?

Don’t worry. It was probably just Chavez testing a nuke.


Nothing major though.

Its crazy. Feel bad for all those people, their poor to begin with.

My friend lost his brother in the quake.

They really just can’t catch a break.

It’s actually a good thing that their poor.

I could replace most things lost, myself.

“What happened in Haiti could happen to anywhere in the Caribbean because all these island nations are in peril because of global warming,” “When we see what we did at the climate summit in Copenhagen, this is the response, this is what happens, you know what I’m sayin’?” -Danny Glover

I love how every actor is a scientist these days.

Link pls?

Update: Around noon PT Friday, Verizon Wireless said it had advanced $2.98 million in mobile donations committed by its customers to Haiti. “Time is of the essence, and it makes sense for us to toss aside our normal financial processes to get money where it can do the most good, in the fastest way possible,” said Verizon Wireless president and CEO Lowell McAdam in a statement.

fuck all this 9/11 comparison…

you can’t false-flag an earthquake.

This is the shittiest article ever written, it makes it seem like he said global warming caused this :bloated: . he’s just saying he is worried about other disasters that can occur in the carribean because of global warming, like rising sea levels… which we already know isn’t true.

the news fucking sucks


So Obama called out Pat Robertson for his idiotic remarks has he called out Danny Glover yet?

Well Pat Robertson is a braindead Christian who feels he is in authority to condemn and judge everyone. Danny Glover is an actor who has been hanging around Al Gore to much.

Both instead of saying “How can I help” said “They got what they deserved”.

Yes it does, my comment was to ambiguous to portray my view points.

What I was saying is that there is no state wide comparison to the current condition in Haiti. I agree we should focus on us first but in this situation maybe we should help them first :shrug: When you remove nationalities we are still people on the same planet.

side note: whenever I see destruction like this I think of the song reclamation which sucks because this is terrible sad but I really like that song lol.