Happy Earth Day

my carb needs tuning so I burn extra fuel every day lmfao.

I watched a special last night about chicken farms around the Chesapeake Bay area. One big chicken farm contracted with say, Tyson or Perdue, produces more waste (poop) in a year then the average human waste of 4 major cities combined. It’s pretty bad. Chicken shit is surprisingly toxic as fuck.

But, should we tax farmers so as to mandate the “not in my backyard” attitude and get our chicken from chickity china the chinese chicken?
Does that help the planet or the farmers or our country for that matter?

Have you seen the shrimp industry lately? Almost all super market shrimp comes from China because it is cheap for them to produce thousands of them in little tanks that require antibiotics for them to even live long enough to harvest.

The problem is the lack of regulation on said chicken farms, which isn’t necessarily the fault of the farmers themselves. When they sign with Tyson Chicken, the contract says Tyson owns the chickens, the feed, etc. but they take no responsibility for the waste. I own a dog, and I’m responsible for his poop, cleaning it up, and properly disposing of it, right? These big chicken farms are polluting the waters so much so that it’s effecting the little guy (i.e. crabbers, fishermen etc.) by creating total dead zones throughout the bay.

I’m not getting into the politics here. I’ll stick to the science.

True, but going back to my original post and point, you’re talking about thousands of years when compared to the 4+ billion years that the earth has been around. That’s like half of 1 page in a huge book like War & Peace.

(I made a n00b mistake in my first post of saying ‘millions’ and not ‘billions’)

But there isn’t. You (as a human) can’t halt or stop the increase of CO2 because it does not all come from you or your actions. (I used volcanoes as an example of this.) And even if it did, considering the number of people on the planet, you couldn’t get enough people ‘in mass’ to agree and do anything unified. That’s just the reality of it.

The planet works in cycles. The temperature changes, the magnetic poles swap, the continents move, the composition of the atmosphere changes, etc. Even Western NY has, in recent geologic time, been covered under 2 miles of ice and was also a tropical sea. Things like that are beyond human control or influence.

I agree we should be ‘good stewards’ of our planet, but we also shouldn’t be so arrogant to think as humans we can control our environment or planet.

I hate using wikipedia for information, but I am at work and have nothing else to work on so please dont mind the use of non-scientific sources.

Lets start with these “cycles”. There are TONS of them that we could be looking at, but I feel atmospheric co2 best applies to what we are looking at. Using carbon dating, we can get an idea of how much co2 was in the atmosphere and when. Too our best records, we understand that we had an “ice house” period 430 million years ago, from 325-240 million years ago, and the most recent being around 35 million years ago. Again, not the best time frame, but we do see cyclic occurances. During these we see a common trend of co2/methane being decreased and increased with the interglacial periods, but NEVER have we seen levels as steady, and as high as they currently are. This may be due to our lack of technology to date way back, but I think we have a good sampling. I feel it is just pure ignorance if people think we dont contribute something and blame global cycles for all this increase.

Now, in terms of doing something about it, check out www.carbondiet.org . You would be amazed how much each person could cut down and the site shows the impacts we could have. As per not being able to do anything, If 1 out of every 4 houses in the US had solar panels on their roof, that would be enough to provide the electricty this country needs to operate.

We HAVE made an impact, we ARE making an impact, and we CAN stop having such a profound effect on the Earth and its climate. Not everything is in our control, but co2 is one that we can and have directly changed

Im an enviormental science major, fml

I just watched Bio Dome on flix, thats all.

Imagine if current humans would have been around during the last ice age. I’m sure they’d find a way to blame us for that to and use it to sell us $20 light bulbs and hybrid cars that no one but the dealer can service.

I get 19 mpg and ride a 2 stroke on the weekends. fuck the earth day

I don’t know if you’re arguing or agreeing with me. This was my first post:

I’m not blaming this on a global cycle but instead pointing out that we as humans are only part of the cycle.

And I’m a Geology & Environmental Science graduate, so I’m familiar all the data.

But for all of your efforts, the impact your making is minimal just as the effects are minimal when considering everything that causes the temperature on the planet to rise (not just CO2.) You have to keep in context the broad scope of the planet and everything that effects it. Once in that context, it becomes apparent that what you perceive as profound may not be.

If you’re really worried about CO2, do some research into Columbia University’s CO2 scrubbers.

i’m not touching this one with a 10 foot pole.

lol I’m sorry, I was agreeing with you. I just wanted to point out that we CAN make an impact on CO2 and that it is at the highest levels we have ever seen. I thought you were just speaking of CO2 cycles, not temperature cycles.

For those who care about the difference, check out Milankovitch cycles. They are on 36,000, 41,000 and 100,000 year cycles

edit—24k not 36

I drove my BMW today which gets 25mpg instead of my corvette which gets 14mpg if I’m lucky.

Go earth!

I’m not so much concerned with who is to blame (or not) for CO2 levels as I am soil quality & water quality (or lack thereof), deforestation, cute little fuzzy animals dying off, and all that other hippy stuff. When male frogs start growing ovaries and 6 extra legs, or the idea that all 80 killer whales that inhabit Puget Sound will be dead forever in 20 years, that kind of freaks me out. That’s where we humans are fucking up.

I Dumped my coolant onto the ground, redlined my motor for 12minutes, smoked a cigarette, then threw it on the ground, my lighter ran out of lighter fluid, so i threw it on the ground and it blew up, which then caused my car to start on fire because i have a leaky oring that spewed gas and gas fumes everywhere. i then watched my car burn for 2 hours with a full tank of gas before i decided to call the fire department. I then called my friend with an H1 and he picked me up and took me to work. Today we were tearing apart our old kitchen and threw all of the old cabinets and wood into a fire outside, which is positioned between 2 trees, the leaves were burned off and it smoked for 6 hours before finally dying out.


I drive a V8 car and an SUV… lolz

Your sig implies otherwise

Was it George Carlin who said “Don’t worry about mother nature. Mother nature’s going to be just fine. We won’t be around, but mother nature will be fine.”

Meh. The industrialized world will be a flash in the pan of history. We’ll burn all the fossil fuels and step back to the 1700’s soon enough, at which point it will take nature like all of 100 years to retake that which we have hacked up.

thats about it in a nutshell.

earthday is a fucking joke.