Happy New Years to me!!!!

on my way back from jasper on jan 1 at 230pm, i got a speeding ticket in edson.
i didnt even know they had radar… gay!!!
i know my gf can get it lower for me… all she has to do is say she had to go to the washroom REALLY REALLY bad. it worked before

Speed Limit: 50km/h
Your Speed: 82km/h


I always drive through Edson on my way home to BC and I didn’t know of any speed cameras. Just slow down through the towns ei Edson, Hinton.

Its a photo radar ticket


I never speed through Edson or Hinton… RCMP guys love brown meet :roll:

nice pic… but i think it needs to loose some of those sunken wheels… Nissan curse it seems…

i know i dont get demerits but shit 150$$$ thats more money out of my pocket… retarted photo radar. funny thing was i was even watching because i was just flying through there past everyone.

huh? sunken wheels? u mean like my camber is off? i just went out to look at that and they are completely 90 deg to the ground.

huh? sunken wheels? u mean like my camber is off? i just went out to look at that and they are completely 90 deg to the ground.[/quote]

no, wheels aren’t flush with the fenders. they are tucked in or “sunken”

ah, well wont a wheel spacer fix that? doesnt matter because once i get my LS on they will be inside the fender a bit so hopefully they dont rub…

The picture is so much prettier than the B&W grainy shit we get!

I just got a ticket in the mail. I was on 106 ave doing 10 km over the limit. $110.00. as long as i pay it before march. really sucks though. i feel for you.

haha go to the law courts and ask to speak to someone about it. your a woman so you will prob get a little bit off ur ticket. my gf always does for me, usually get like 20-30$ off the ticket, just have a good excuse… “that time of the month” or something.

Justice of the Peace officer or something… yeah nobody helps me out so yeah…

Yeah the wheels are not flush with the fenders, dropping fixes some of the geometery that way, but dont expect a nice flush look…

I couldnt go in and lie to them. i was speeding, i will pay the fine.

yah im going to do w/e it takes to get out of a ticket, i know i was speeding but its practically on the highway so jeez… going from 130 to 50 makes it feel so slow after driving for like 2 hrs.

atleast ur honest when it comes to paying tickets. :smiley:

haha just got one from hinton, 80 doing 95

SEE fricken hillbillies!!! i warned everyone!!! how much?for 15km over? 70$?

don’t know, just a warning, they told me not to send money, but not to speed again.

ahh so u got pulled over… shitty. atleast u got lucky bc u wernt going that much over…
did u speed anymore on the way home?

no no, it was a photo radar, just for some reason they did’nt charge me, i’ll put the pic up, my car looks good, lol