Happy Valentines Day

Happy V-day from Missjazzy and I in sunny florida :stuck_out_tongue: Enjoy the snow!


Same to you!

Happy Valentines day!

Happy V-Day !

Happy V-day to the worst V-day evAr.

this is the first year since 2002 that v-day wasn’t also my girlfriend’s birthday.


Steak& BJ Day> Vday

happy vday tho

i hate snow

Oh happy v-day… yippie its snowing like a mo-fo again

Bah humbug. Wait. Wrong holiday…

But, receiving the steak and bj on steak and bj day FTW!

mmmm I want steak…but today doesn’t feel like Valentine’s Day to me for some reason…

Steak and BJ day ftw

stupid holiday. I got two people cards just being friendly… and one of them said “I don’t fucking want that sappy shit, i hope you don’t think i got you anything”. Fucking men.

So it’s not a good idea to say that to a girl that just handed you a card?

hmmmmmm, no. :nuts:


I got a really pretty necklace from my super duper hubby.

is it a pearl necklace?

happy v-day