man up and just grab some pliers and a bottle of tequila, surgery is expensive.
lol. I would if my insurance didnt cover it. Brendan ill try for the vid it will be hard though.
I got the pins taken out a couple days ago. The doctor didnt even use any novacaine. I won’t lie it hurt pretty bad and it was the weirdest feeling when he was pulling them out. The worst thing is that the skin healed over the pins and he had to dig for them. No video because I was the only one that went. I played hockey the night after and it felt great. It just feels like a sore muscle.
is it just me or do those pins look useless?
i’m no radiologist…but i can’t see any break or fracture in the x-ray, and on top of that i don’t see what use the pins are providing…
furthermore…it also looks that the pins are sticking out the right side of your hand, or at least pushing out against the skin.
i’ve got pins in each hip. had them there since freshman year…so a little over 10 years now…
too much trouble to take them out
^ hey i got pins in my hips too, also since my freshman year of h.s… and yes way too much of a pain to take them out
slip epiphysis?
an ex friend of mine had a massive amount of surgery on his foot a one point, back in high school he had used a oak tree to fold a delta 88 up around him, resulting in a hell of alot of broken bones
i was around for what was i THINK his 3rd reconstructive surgery, in which they had to rebreak a number of bones, grind down some others, relocate some stuff ect. His xray looked like it was of a pin cushion, something like 18 titanium rods were put into his leg and foot.
about 1/2 of them eventually were removed, mostly the small ones from his foot. it was weird seeing his little “trophy bag” of pins afterwards, some still had some meat stuck to them.
The doctor will just cut the chord to a lamp…apply the wires to both leads/pins and you will pull your hand away, removing them quickly. At least that’s the way they do it down south.