The 180SXes were electronically limited to 180km/h? Correct? Took it out on the Henday a few days ago and had the speedo buried at like 5500rpm or so and the car still kept on going (don’t know the speed because it was buried but there was no rev limiter kicking in).
I run a full atmospheric dump (ARC BOV… flutters at low boost, smooth discharge from the full 7psi). I have no idle issues whatsoever.
With these two things in mind, could the ECU have had some work done to it?
well afterwarket sr ecu will a doughterboard installed with 2 chips. You can’t pull em out they are satteredin. on ca18 its 1 chip and it could be sattered or sockeded as well.
Ps: easiest way to get rid of speed limit is to unplug 5th gear sensor (so check if thats in place)
open ecu up take a pic post it up will tell you if its aftermarket or not!