Have a GPS stolen? I think I found it.

Mine was an owners manual and front plate…

how much does he want for them?


Trades for subwoofers AN video games AN…

Thanks for the post, he’s meeting me at my place to sell me two of these, I am giving one to my GF for new years.

Oh he told me he’s legit, and asked me what kind of car I drive so he can spot me in my driveway easier. I told him I have 3 cars, 2 BMW’s and 1 miata parked outside my house. Hopefully he’ll find me soon, I am anxious for the 2 GPS’s that he’s selling dirt cheap :smiley:

mine was a pack of marb lights. luckily there was a pen and paper right by them, so they wrote me a note and left it in place of the smokes.
It said “I-O-U”. lol.

I was young though, and the car was a pile of crap. So i just laughed a bunch and got a junkyard window. I kept the note in my wallet for about 4 years just in case i happened to somehow run into the person that i never saw. Then my wallet went through the wash. lol

had my passenger window smashed at a hockey game. Flip out dvd player was stolen. 2 cars back passenger window was smashed and they took the kids gps.

Are you really going to meet with this guy?

if so, can you see if he has a Nuvi 755? I’ve been in the market for a new one since mine was stolen as well.

I’m surprised I can’t find more “cheap” GPS units on CL since it seems it’s the #1 stolen item ever nowadays…

Who do I have to talk to for a “new” one!? LOL

You told him where your house is? Like where your cars are parked?

That’s kind of nauseating that you’re eating up these stolen units, knowing that they likely came from members here…

he’s not srs :slight_smile:

I would totally buy one if it had the mount and power. That’s capitalism. $20 GPS ? Yes please.

LMFAO @ everyone thinking longuyen88 is serious.

I would not put anything past anyone on this forum…people around here are sick for cheap deals, and that’s scarily true…

I’ve been a victim of auto theft before. I had my 1 week old stereo stolen out of my car and two windows smashed. I knew I shouldn’t leave my faceplate on, but I was lazy and did it anyway. Moral: Don’t leave valuable electronics visible in your car when you’re parked in an unknown/bad area.

As for the craigslist guy, ya it sucks that if you buy this stuff off him you’re vicariously supporting his alleged illegal behavior, but if you don’t someone else will. Wouldn’t you rather get a hot deal than sleep well at night?

Haha I sent a email. He will sell outright for 40 with charger.

Never responded to my email asking if any came with the manuals so what does that tell you?

Good deals. GLWS.

All kidding aside, it’s so sad when someone jacks a window up just for a few hundred dollar piece of electronic gear. :frowning:

You’re a moron if you leave a GPS (or anything else) sitting in your car window. It is just asking for it to be stolen. Leaving just the mount up is equally as retarded.

All the joke emails will probably make him realize he is a moron and that ad was too obvious, instead you should have forwarded it to the Police who may actually have been able to do something.

Most of them get sold for cash on the street and/or traded for drugs. Smash and grabbers typically aren’t going to make some large CL racket.