Having problems w/ new HP laptop...*HELP*


did you guys buy this laptop and card so you could carry out conversations online instead of in person? that’s just the feeling i’m getting from this… :snky:

I would believe that a magic warlock fixed your computer before I would believe a woman fixed it

no we got the air card back in december from jeff

and my laptop took a shit last night the fan lifted off the processor and it only will stay on for about 30 min and turns off b/c its to hot … and she asked if she could go buy a new laptop and i said yes… so she went and picked it up

but while we are on topic … could i make this air card work on two computer at one time via a router like do they have usb ports to do that??

trying to make a wireless type system for two laptops

yeah you can technically share the internet connection.

no shit … I really dont know where i would start to even find out how

where would be the best to go


i would think i would need a router with usb or would the air card have to be in the computer then i would use a router to get the internet off that computer??

or is it really to much work and not worth it

It shouldn’t be that hard to setup…

fucking dick… lol

I know it can be done with reg internet but my question was more alone the lines of can it be done with a USB aircard setup

lol let me google that for you killin heads again :tup:

why not just get a real router with the ability to plug an aircard in though?

that was more of my question do they have them?

really last time i looked in a computer store for this shit was 4 years ago when they just got wireless “g”

<3 that site. :slight_smile:

would something like this work

even if the USB ports are for Storage ??

or do i need to do it like this http://windowshelp.microsoft.com/Windows/en-us/help/bfd3bd31-82f0-4b9c-9cde-fb92bc2b14771033.mspx