HD TV Question

I am looking to purchase an HDTV, mainly for video games, but also to get the 4 basic channels (I do not have an HD package) in HD. I want atleast a 20" but would like a 26" but I am on a budget (<$450). I found this on Amazon:

Looks like its probably a piece of shit TV, never heard of the brand. But it is cheap enough for me not to care and its a decent size.
I would rather buy online so I save on taxes, then just buy a warrenty and hope it doesn’t shit the bed.

Any suggestions? Any other good deals online? Better to buy one from Circuit Shitty or Best Buy? TIA

If its for gaming you need to get a decent one with a low response time so there is no ghosting. Say LESS then 8ms.

Olevia is a good, inexpensive brand. Target, Kmart, Sears, and others carry it.

Check out www.slickdeals.com under hot deals forums
or www.fatwallet.com

Now is the best time to buy for sales… just before christmas

Westinghouse + Olevia are 2 good budget brands.


I was just going to post that Jon. How does that look gentlemen?

Wow… 26"?! Jeezus thats small. The westinghouse allways looked ok to me. You can find a 32" westinghouse for around $450 shipped online, and on sale at stores from time to time…

Just wait, and get a 32" Even those are small, but if your looking at a 26, a 32 is good enough.

Anything less than 37" is not worth getting HD. Other than that, you get what you pay for. If you buy a cheap HD TV you will get a cheap HD TV. That said buy a Samsung or an LG. Check eBay if you need to be cheap about it, but DO NOT buy a Vizio or an Element or any other cheap garbage like that, stick with the big names.

Look for one with an HD tuner and you’ll be able to get 2, 4, 7 and 29 in HD with just a basic antenna.

ummm Olevia’s look fucking terrible.

for “cheap” retail brands that are available Vizio’s look much, much, much better than the Olevia’s. They both are probably low quality and wont last too long, but if you want cheap those are your two best options, however imo, the picture quality and color quality of the Vizio is miles beyond Olevia.

Phillips outlet FTW

i picked up a 26" LCD and dvd surround sound setup for 391 shipped.

watch slickdeals.net, dealcatcher.com, and dealhack… every now and then they will post up a discount code. there was a 40% off coupon when i bought :tup:

I have looked at them side by side numerous times and thats not true. Its about the same.

its all a matter of opinion since one’s perception of a good picture can certainly differ.

from everything I saw, Olevia’s looked extremely drab and majorly lacking in contrast.

was it in a store, or in someones home and calibrated?

you can make a great tv look shitty if its not calibrated properly

in a store - and yes, very possible they were poorly cal’d however, they looked bad compared to other displays in every single store I was in (sears, best buy, circuit city, target)

I am not a professional LCD display analyst lol, the guy’s asking for advice, and from physically going and seeing them as I just recently went through the evaluation and purchase process for a 42" LCD tv, I am giving my findings.

Olevia and Vizio are both junk. I don’t know how many times I can say this, If you buy a cheap HD TV you will get a cheap HD TV.
I work with HD TV’s all day long, and I can tell you Samsung and LG are way better in picture quality and response time than every other TV on the market.

again, absolutely agree, and I personally purchased an LG LCD. however, he is saying hes on a budget, so i compared the two current cheapo sets… Olevia, and Vizio

some people just dont have the need for the best picture possible. I’m the same way. Bought a Toshiba 50" DLP open box for around 700. Its only 720p and is noticably worse picture then 1080p sets of the same size, but I just don’t care. I wasn’t about to spend 2k on a tv that will be obsolete in a year, I think its stupid.

wrd, i’m goin cheap for my gaming TV… it will get used once a week if that, the living room TV on the otherhand gets used daily

They are not junk. Not everyone is a A/V connoisseur. Some people just want a nice flat panel to replace their crappy tube TV’s on a budget.

BOTH Olevia and Visio have gotten EXCELLENT reviews from thousands of happy consumers on a budget. They are decent TVs.

The kid wants to spend $400, not $1400 on a Samsung so lets not have this turn into a techie pissing match. Just answer the specific question asked.

I’m going to watch slickdeals over the next few days, and see if any last minute sales pop up. If not I may go with that refurbished Olevia from Newegg.

Any opinion on Magnavox (more name brand than the others) http://www.outlet.philips.com/b2c_redesign/b2c/productdetail.do?productguid=432896723ACA008E00000000828BD4724364CA1B862300CD00000000828BD538&productarea=432896723ACA008E00000000828BD472&scenario=catalog&shop=OUTLET

This is a TV for my room mainly for gaming, I don’t need a 50" tv. Id rather have 6" more of viewable area for cheaper than if I bought a LG or Samsung for $400.

I right now have a 20" flatscreen (not flatpanel) Walmart TV. Anything including a piece of shit HDTV will look Godly compared to what I own now.

Thanks for the responses, and please more input. I’m pretty good with electronics/computers but do not know anything about HDs.